Microwave it and Show Me the Money, Jerry!
I wanted to talk about how to avoid the Microwave Mentality Trap in Internet Marketing.
It's a fast paced, high dollar business that is a virtual monster and if you are not cautious, it will chew you up and spit you out like Godzilla.
Or should I say "Googlezilla".
I have had my moments of sheer panic and terror as I began to wrap my head around the power of this medium of advertising.
I still get blown away by the size and possibilities within the industry.
I am here, the voice of reason telling you to take it easy and begin with the basics.
The most important thing you can do is be reasonable with yourself.
The pieces of the puzzle will fall in place eventually.
So do not be too hard on yourself about your progress.
I remember the leaders in several businesses telling me to "be patient with things.
" "Take it one step at a time".
Oh horrors I say to myself.
I am a rapid fire sort of person, well, a microwave mental case really.
I wanted it yesterday and I don't even know what I wanted! "Helloooo?" Anybody relate? Of course you do or you would not be an entrepreneur.
We are the fast and furious kind.
We want what we want when we want it, or at least I do and most other successful entrepreneurs I know do too.
However, after beating my head against the wall most of my adult life regarding wanting things too fast, I have finally come to a place where I understand that things will come to pass, my dreams will come true BUT not a day too soon or a day too late.
Timing is everything.
I am destined for my dreams to come true at the proper time.
Not on my timetable but the timetable of the almighty.
Whatever you believe or don't believe, trust me, you do not have the power to make it happen one moment sooner than it is supposed to happen.
You are not in control of that part of your dream.
When all is well, and the planets have aligned , and you are in the right place and right time in your life, it will happen.
Your dream will come true.
You plan the plan and leave the results to the creator of time and dreams.
The desire you have in your heart was put there by a power greater than yourself.
The vision that you have of your dream was put in your heart by a power greater than yourself.
The enduring spirit inside yourself that knows you can do it was put there by a power greater than yourself.
Know that.
Believe that.
Trust that.
You cannot will it into being.
You act as if, believe as if, do as if and then one day...
It is! You are what you say you are, your life is a compilation of the choices you have made throughout the days good and bad.
It does not matter really what you think about them, they are what they are.
So fellow impatient Internet Marketers out there.
Be free.
Let go.
Keep on keeping on.
Here's what I say.
So many of my dreams have already come true why wouldn't the rest of them come to pass.
I am breathing deep, living large and staying in the present.
I hope you do too.
I am looking forward to having you join me in my dream.
It's a fast paced, high dollar business that is a virtual monster and if you are not cautious, it will chew you up and spit you out like Godzilla.
Or should I say "Googlezilla".
I have had my moments of sheer panic and terror as I began to wrap my head around the power of this medium of advertising.
I still get blown away by the size and possibilities within the industry.
I am here, the voice of reason telling you to take it easy and begin with the basics.
The most important thing you can do is be reasonable with yourself.
The pieces of the puzzle will fall in place eventually.
So do not be too hard on yourself about your progress.
I remember the leaders in several businesses telling me to "be patient with things.
" "Take it one step at a time".
Oh horrors I say to myself.
I am a rapid fire sort of person, well, a microwave mental case really.
I wanted it yesterday and I don't even know what I wanted! "Helloooo?" Anybody relate? Of course you do or you would not be an entrepreneur.
We are the fast and furious kind.
We want what we want when we want it, or at least I do and most other successful entrepreneurs I know do too.
However, after beating my head against the wall most of my adult life regarding wanting things too fast, I have finally come to a place where I understand that things will come to pass, my dreams will come true BUT not a day too soon or a day too late.
Timing is everything.
I am destined for my dreams to come true at the proper time.
Not on my timetable but the timetable of the almighty.
Whatever you believe or don't believe, trust me, you do not have the power to make it happen one moment sooner than it is supposed to happen.
You are not in control of that part of your dream.
When all is well, and the planets have aligned , and you are in the right place and right time in your life, it will happen.
Your dream will come true.
You plan the plan and leave the results to the creator of time and dreams.
The desire you have in your heart was put there by a power greater than yourself.
The vision that you have of your dream was put in your heart by a power greater than yourself.
The enduring spirit inside yourself that knows you can do it was put there by a power greater than yourself.
Know that.
Believe that.
Trust that.
You cannot will it into being.
You act as if, believe as if, do as if and then one day...
It is! You are what you say you are, your life is a compilation of the choices you have made throughout the days good and bad.
It does not matter really what you think about them, they are what they are.
So fellow impatient Internet Marketers out there.
Be free.
Let go.
Keep on keeping on.
Here's what I say.
So many of my dreams have already come true why wouldn't the rest of them come to pass.
I am breathing deep, living large and staying in the present.
I hope you do too.
I am looking forward to having you join me in my dream.