Fat Burning Workout - Little Known Secrets From the Pros
Hitting the treadmill early in the morning is the best fat burning workout you can do.
Do this and you are well on your way to burning fats.
No annoying diet required.
That's how early morning workouts can help you get a new, svelte and slimmer body.
If the thought of that causes you to sigh and complain" Early morning? No way!" then let me hasten to remind you of the saying "No pain, no gain".
Though early morning can be a bit tough, some sacrifice is required if body beautiful is the goal.
Okays so why is early morning so good? Great question.
You see when you do exercises on a stomach empty for nearly 12 hours you lose 300% more fat.
You might wish to re read that last line to make sure it sinks in.
Because it sounds great doesn't it? Almost too good to be true.
But it's not.
Plus when you accomplish something first thing in the morning, you carry a feeling of elation and achievement with you throughout the day.
That said, there are two types of work outs for burning fat, aerobic and resistance training.
Constant aerobics like swimming, brisk walks, cardio, cycling for 30-40 minutes a day can do wonders to keep you fit and healthy.
Strength training, on the other hand, is the fastest way to build muscles.
And muscle tissue is Nature's fat burner.
So the more muscles you build the more fat will be burned.
Even when you're asleep.
Having more muscle also increases your body's ability to store glycogen - its natural fuel source.
That in turn has an affect on your endurance levels.
Tip: Experts recommend doing aerobics after your strength training exercises.
Anyway a routine that includes squats, pushups, leg raises, bicep curls done with dumb bells helps you to lose weight too.
Exercises using weights like the bench press, leg curls, crunches etc reduces even stubborn belly fat and makes you fit and slim.
Plus all these work a number of muscles at the same time.
You need to do 2-3 sets of exercise resting for 1-2 minutes in between.
The rate at which fat burns is faster this way.
Yet don't let your enthusiasm get the better of you however.
If you are a beginner take it slow.
Do only 1-2 sets initially with 8 repetitions.
Then increase the duration and intensity over time.
You goal? To do resistance exercises for 30-40 minutes 4 days a week followed by aerobics for 20-30 minutes.
Now if you prefer moderate workouts then try swimming or brisk walks for 30 minutes at least.
Swimming benefits the entire body including the heart and lungs.
You can even "work out" during your daily routine like when doing household chores.
Or use the stairs whenever you can or park your car as far as possible and walk to the store.
Along with exercises you can also feast on fat burner foods such as lemon and oranges which are rich in vitamin C.
These are thought to reduce body fat by diluting them.
While vegetables like beets, broccoli, and cabbage are also thought to be fat burners.
You want to avoid foods high in sugar.
They lead to insulin spikes, fatigue and erratic energy levels.
While for fat mobilization consume omega3 and omega6 fatty acids found in fish, flaxseed oil etc.
In your zeal to lose weight a word of caution.
Please do not go for so called fat burning pills.
Even worse are steroids.
They can have very nasty side-effects which are harder on your body than the extra pounds.
Finally just a reminder to never over do it.
Intense workouts can cause loss of muscle, fatigue and injury.
And it can't hurt to check with your doctor if it's been awhile since you did more than push the buttons on the TV remote.
Bottom line the key to successful burning fat fast is to lead an active lifestyle.
Do this and you are well on your way to burning fats.
No annoying diet required.
That's how early morning workouts can help you get a new, svelte and slimmer body.
If the thought of that causes you to sigh and complain" Early morning? No way!" then let me hasten to remind you of the saying "No pain, no gain".
Though early morning can be a bit tough, some sacrifice is required if body beautiful is the goal.
Okays so why is early morning so good? Great question.
You see when you do exercises on a stomach empty for nearly 12 hours you lose 300% more fat.
You might wish to re read that last line to make sure it sinks in.
Because it sounds great doesn't it? Almost too good to be true.
But it's not.
Plus when you accomplish something first thing in the morning, you carry a feeling of elation and achievement with you throughout the day.
That said, there are two types of work outs for burning fat, aerobic and resistance training.
Constant aerobics like swimming, brisk walks, cardio, cycling for 30-40 minutes a day can do wonders to keep you fit and healthy.
Strength training, on the other hand, is the fastest way to build muscles.
And muscle tissue is Nature's fat burner.
So the more muscles you build the more fat will be burned.
Even when you're asleep.
Having more muscle also increases your body's ability to store glycogen - its natural fuel source.
That in turn has an affect on your endurance levels.
Tip: Experts recommend doing aerobics after your strength training exercises.
Anyway a routine that includes squats, pushups, leg raises, bicep curls done with dumb bells helps you to lose weight too.
Exercises using weights like the bench press, leg curls, crunches etc reduces even stubborn belly fat and makes you fit and slim.
Plus all these work a number of muscles at the same time.
You need to do 2-3 sets of exercise resting for 1-2 minutes in between.
The rate at which fat burns is faster this way.
Yet don't let your enthusiasm get the better of you however.
If you are a beginner take it slow.
Do only 1-2 sets initially with 8 repetitions.
Then increase the duration and intensity over time.
You goal? To do resistance exercises for 30-40 minutes 4 days a week followed by aerobics for 20-30 minutes.
Now if you prefer moderate workouts then try swimming or brisk walks for 30 minutes at least.
Swimming benefits the entire body including the heart and lungs.
You can even "work out" during your daily routine like when doing household chores.
Or use the stairs whenever you can or park your car as far as possible and walk to the store.
Along with exercises you can also feast on fat burner foods such as lemon and oranges which are rich in vitamin C.
These are thought to reduce body fat by diluting them.
While vegetables like beets, broccoli, and cabbage are also thought to be fat burners.
You want to avoid foods high in sugar.
They lead to insulin spikes, fatigue and erratic energy levels.
While for fat mobilization consume omega3 and omega6 fatty acids found in fish, flaxseed oil etc.
In your zeal to lose weight a word of caution.
Please do not go for so called fat burning pills.
Even worse are steroids.
They can have very nasty side-effects which are harder on your body than the extra pounds.
Finally just a reminder to never over do it.
Intense workouts can cause loss of muscle, fatigue and injury.
And it can't hurt to check with your doctor if it's been awhile since you did more than push the buttons on the TV remote.
Bottom line the key to successful burning fat fast is to lead an active lifestyle.