Tips For Maintaining Your Septic System
How often you will need your tank pumped depends on the size of the tank and the number of occupants in your home, so make sure to consult a professional or two about their opinions.
More general tips for maintaining your septic system are easy to follow.
It is recommended that you never use a garbage disposal, because this increases the amount of solid goods floating into your tank.
Many system failures are caused by a simple system overload, so try to avoid using too much water at once.
For instance, don't have two showers running at once, and make sure to run your clothes washer and dishwasher at separate times during the day.
You can use detergents and bleaches as household cleaning products, but make sure not to overuse them.
Also be very careful about what you are flushing down your toilet.
Pads, diapers, tampons, tissues and cigarette butts should never be flushed, but put in a trash can.
They can plug up the pipes of your septic system.
Commercial products that claim that you will never have to pump your septic system tank again should be avoided.
There are natural bacteria (from your body's own system) that will break down the waste appropriately.
Additives will often do more harm than good, and there is nothing that can replace regular pumping and annual inspection of your septic system.
So if you make sure you keep your septic system clean and maintained-this will help you avoid expensive (and stinky!) future repairs.