How to Convert a Bathtub Into a Shower
Bathtubs are not recommended for households that have a single bathroom. Sharing of a bathtub increases the risk of infection. Converting a bathtub into a shower is not hard. In fact the simplest means to do this is to simply fix a hand-held shower mechanism. This way, you won't have to go through the agonizing process of smashing the walls in order to put a new plumbing system. In spite of the method chosen, you will still have to waterproof the bathroom. This article discusses into detail how to convert a bathtub into a shower.
What You Need to Know
For every structural change that you have to make to your house, you need to inform the relevant authorities. By presenting your designs to the concerned government department, you are avoiding instances of monetary fines or worse, being forced to bring down the entire construction. In addition, when it comes to plumbing and waterproofing work, you may need to hire an expert to help you out.
#1: Design
How would you like to fix the new shower? If you want a hand held shower, you will not be compelled to smash your walls as there will be no need for plumbing work. All that is required is the installation of the hand held shower head and waterproofing the surrounding walls.
#2: Plumbing
If do not want a hand held shower, start by installing the fresh plumbing system. This will require you to remove the wall which is just over the bathtub valve. Thereafter, put in place a new pipe that will supply the shower head with water. Finish by fixing the shower. However, do not fix the shower head just yet.
#3: Wall Reinforcement
Since your will be installing new and bulky wall system, it is highly recommended that you fortify the shower walls as they were not built for this kind of work initially. Moreover, the surrounding walls may have been weakened by water damage.
#4: Waterproofing
As pointed out earlier, weakening of the walls is mainly caused by water. Consequently, you need to make the 3 edges of the tub watertight. This can be done by fixing a bathtub surround. Alternatively, you can do this by fixing bathroom floor tiles. Use of decorative floor and wall tiles can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your bathroom.
#5: Hand-held Shower Installation
Installation of the hand-held shower is not that hard. All you have to do is to adhere to the manufacturer's instructions. The hand-held shower installation kit comes with a bar mount, shower hose as well as hand shower. When shopping for a hand-held shower kit, select a design that comes with an adaptable mount. This makes it easier to change spray direction.
#5: Shower Curtain
You can choose to hang a shower curtain or build a shower door. This is done with an aim of preventing the water from spilling on the bathroom floor. For a more artistic appeal, it is best to utilize a shower door mechanism.
What You Need to Know
For every structural change that you have to make to your house, you need to inform the relevant authorities. By presenting your designs to the concerned government department, you are avoiding instances of monetary fines or worse, being forced to bring down the entire construction. In addition, when it comes to plumbing and waterproofing work, you may need to hire an expert to help you out.
#1: Design
How would you like to fix the new shower? If you want a hand held shower, you will not be compelled to smash your walls as there will be no need for plumbing work. All that is required is the installation of the hand held shower head and waterproofing the surrounding walls.
#2: Plumbing
If do not want a hand held shower, start by installing the fresh plumbing system. This will require you to remove the wall which is just over the bathtub valve. Thereafter, put in place a new pipe that will supply the shower head with water. Finish by fixing the shower. However, do not fix the shower head just yet.
#3: Wall Reinforcement
Since your will be installing new and bulky wall system, it is highly recommended that you fortify the shower walls as they were not built for this kind of work initially. Moreover, the surrounding walls may have been weakened by water damage.
#4: Waterproofing
As pointed out earlier, weakening of the walls is mainly caused by water. Consequently, you need to make the 3 edges of the tub watertight. This can be done by fixing a bathtub surround. Alternatively, you can do this by fixing bathroom floor tiles. Use of decorative floor and wall tiles can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your bathroom.
#5: Hand-held Shower Installation
Installation of the hand-held shower is not that hard. All you have to do is to adhere to the manufacturer's instructions. The hand-held shower installation kit comes with a bar mount, shower hose as well as hand shower. When shopping for a hand-held shower kit, select a design that comes with an adaptable mount. This makes it easier to change spray direction.
#5: Shower Curtain
You can choose to hang a shower curtain or build a shower door. This is done with an aim of preventing the water from spilling on the bathroom floor. For a more artistic appeal, it is best to utilize a shower door mechanism.