Kansas Statutory Laws
- State statutory laws are written and passed by the Kansas legislature.gavel image by Cora Reed from Fotolia.com
Statutory Laws cover a wide range of issues and are written as bills and passed by state or federal legislators. Statutory Laws are often called Acts and are a broad statement of principle implemented through administrative regulations. Statutory Laws can be amended independently. - Kansas Statutes Annotated, Chapter 16a, is the Kansas Consumer Code. KSA Chapter 9 governs state chartered financial institutions and the interest rates they can charge under the Uniform Commercial Code.
- Statutes 21-3505 through 21-3516 govern the age of consent in Kansas and define statutory rape for the purpose of arrest and prosecution. These statutes define different sex acts and the criminal liability attached to crimes against females under the age of 16. Originally, the age of consent law in Kansas was written to protect the innocence of women.
- Kansas Statues Annotated, Section 40-2,119 covers anti-fraud legislation related to the insurance industry. Part of the legislation is related to consumer protection and includes immunity in some instances to encourage the public to come forward and speak out against unfair or illegal insurance practices.
- Power of Attorney legislation is state specific with separate forms and guidelines. Kansas Statutes Annotated, Chapter 58, Article 6, defines the types of power of attorney and lays down guidelines for individuals, agencies, the courts and lawyers. The purpose is to protect everyone involved. Power of Attorney requirements are also written under chapter 58.
Kansas Usary Laws
Statutory Rape Laws
Immunity Laws
Kansas Power of Attorney