Aliens Coming To Harvest Humans On Earth - How"s That Food Stamp Program Working For You?
The conspiracy theory was finally revealed on May 11, 2021.
The human powers that be, now running all the world governments had made a deal with the aliens.
The aliens needed food supply after their long voyage, and the scouts that they had previously sent made arrangements with the governments of the world.
When the big armada came to earth the humans would surrender all of their livestock, and 8 billion humans for their food supply, and in trade the aliens would leave Earth alone for 5000 additional years and go on their way, harvesting food from other planets, as the humans built up the stockpile of protein again.
The powers that be obviously wanted to protect themselves and their families, and their friends.
They also thought it might be nice to get rid of some of the low IQ people they no longer needed to do service and manufacturing jobs because we have robots.
The United States, Japan, China, and a few other advanced nations left over from the fall of the European Union were working on a special body "strip search" recognition systems that the aliens could use to see if the humans they would harvest were of the proper size and weight to make it worth their while to process for eating.
The system would scan the individual and look at their body fat content, their size, and estimate their weight.
As long as they had enough meat on them, the system would flash a green light, telling the aliens that they could take that particular individual which was being viewed in their sensor.
The United States had experimented with giving free food via food stamps to their population.
It turned out those who were able to get free food from the food stamp program gained an average of 30% more than those who did not, that is to say those who had to buy their own food.
The United States felt confident that because it had so many people on the free food program, that they could get rid of two-thirds of their population, which would satisfy not only the other powers that be, but would be a fair distribution, leaving the United States intact economically, and able to maintain its status in world affairs.
China was doing the same thing, and the United States was even printing money to help inflate their economy so that more people had to get on the free food program eating the fattening foods which made him plump and perfect for the aliens.
China estimated need to get rid of 1.
1 billion people and still have a sustainable population.
When the story broke no one believed it, but three months later the aliens came, they started taking people, and there was nowhere to run or hide.
Eventually people realized that they were only taking the medium sized to fat people, and it would be the skinny people that survived.
The online Amazon retailer ran out of do-it-yourself counterfeits of the patented "Fat Zapping Machine" nearly overnight.
People were trying to hide, and work out feverishly to lose the weight to miss the cut off, but no one knew what that number was because no one had the secret algorithm for the special sensors given to the aliens.
The human powers that be, now running all the world governments had made a deal with the aliens.
The aliens needed food supply after their long voyage, and the scouts that they had previously sent made arrangements with the governments of the world.
When the big armada came to earth the humans would surrender all of their livestock, and 8 billion humans for their food supply, and in trade the aliens would leave Earth alone for 5000 additional years and go on their way, harvesting food from other planets, as the humans built up the stockpile of protein again.
The powers that be obviously wanted to protect themselves and their families, and their friends.
They also thought it might be nice to get rid of some of the low IQ people they no longer needed to do service and manufacturing jobs because we have robots.
The United States, Japan, China, and a few other advanced nations left over from the fall of the European Union were working on a special body "strip search" recognition systems that the aliens could use to see if the humans they would harvest were of the proper size and weight to make it worth their while to process for eating.
The system would scan the individual and look at their body fat content, their size, and estimate their weight.
As long as they had enough meat on them, the system would flash a green light, telling the aliens that they could take that particular individual which was being viewed in their sensor.
The United States had experimented with giving free food via food stamps to their population.
It turned out those who were able to get free food from the food stamp program gained an average of 30% more than those who did not, that is to say those who had to buy their own food.
The United States felt confident that because it had so many people on the free food program, that they could get rid of two-thirds of their population, which would satisfy not only the other powers that be, but would be a fair distribution, leaving the United States intact economically, and able to maintain its status in world affairs.
China was doing the same thing, and the United States was even printing money to help inflate their economy so that more people had to get on the free food program eating the fattening foods which made him plump and perfect for the aliens.
China estimated need to get rid of 1.
1 billion people and still have a sustainable population.
When the story broke no one believed it, but three months later the aliens came, they started taking people, and there was nowhere to run or hide.
Eventually people realized that they were only taking the medium sized to fat people, and it would be the skinny people that survived.
The online Amazon retailer ran out of do-it-yourself counterfeits of the patented "Fat Zapping Machine" nearly overnight.
People were trying to hide, and work out feverishly to lose the weight to miss the cut off, but no one knew what that number was because no one had the secret algorithm for the special sensors given to the aliens.