Penis Enlargement Workouts - Kegel Exercises Can Treat Urinary Incontinence
If you suffer from urinary incontinence, then you should know that this condition is completely manageable and preventable with the help of penis enlargement workouts.
That's right.
Not only will penis enlargement workouts grant you with a longer and stronger penis in the long run; but they will help you fake full control of your bladder, as well.
If you do kegel exercises for your penis enlargement workouts for 5 minutes twice or thrice a day, you will already see a significant improvement in how you control the leakage of your urine.
Aside from that, you will also reap the benefits of better erections and more intense orgasms at the same time.
How great is that? The main goal of these penis enlargement workouts is to focus on the muscles below your bladder and to strengthen them as time goes by.
Weak urinary sphincters usually cause urinary incontinence in men.
These weak sphincters, on the other hand, usually come about because of prostate cancer surgery, a bladder that refuses to contract or a bladder that is too active.
Kegel exercises will be able to improve and even regain your bladder control for a happier and more convenient lifestyle overall.
Fortunately, these penis enlargement workouts are very easy to do, especially if you already know which muscles they are meant to target.
One easy way to find these muscles is to urinate.
In a nutshell, all you have to do is either slow down or stop your urine from flowing while urinating without tensing any of the muscles in your legs, stomach or buttocks.
Don't even hold your breath.
Once you can successfully stop or slow down the flow of your urine, you will know exactly where the necessary muscles are located for these exercises.
Another way to find these muscles is to imagine you are stopping gas.
Squeezing the PC muscles should give off a pulling sensation, thus resulting in finding the perfect muscles to use for kegel exercises.
Again, it would be vital not to contract any other muscles during this time, though.
There are also several cases wherein men might need biofeedback in order to target the necessary muscles.
Now, on to the exercises! To do kegel exercises, simply squeeze your PC muscles while slowly counting to 5.
Then, release that squeeze while slowly counting to 5 and do this 10 times in a row.
Ideally, you should do 1 set of 10 kegel exercises 3 times a day.
If you are a beginner, it might be easier for you to do these exercises while lying down, so that your PC muscles won't have to fight against gravity.
You might want to aim for your squeezes to only last for 2 or 3 seconds to start, as well.
The choice is yours.
Once a few weeks have gone by, you can then gradually increase the time of your squeezes until you reach 10 seconds.
You can also try doing the exercises while standing to put more weight onto your PC muscles and boost your workout at the same time.
This will improve your control even more in the end.
As with any other type of exercise out there, seeing the results of penis enlargement workouts will take some time, so be patient.
If you choose to do kegel exercises thrice a day, though, you should be able to notice better bladder control after just 3 weeks, if not sooner.
Try keeping track of your urine leakage every day, so you can notice the improvements with time.
If you still don't see any changes after a month, then you might be targeting the wrong muscles.
That's right.
Not only will penis enlargement workouts grant you with a longer and stronger penis in the long run; but they will help you fake full control of your bladder, as well.
If you do kegel exercises for your penis enlargement workouts for 5 minutes twice or thrice a day, you will already see a significant improvement in how you control the leakage of your urine.
Aside from that, you will also reap the benefits of better erections and more intense orgasms at the same time.
How great is that? The main goal of these penis enlargement workouts is to focus on the muscles below your bladder and to strengthen them as time goes by.
Weak urinary sphincters usually cause urinary incontinence in men.
These weak sphincters, on the other hand, usually come about because of prostate cancer surgery, a bladder that refuses to contract or a bladder that is too active.
Kegel exercises will be able to improve and even regain your bladder control for a happier and more convenient lifestyle overall.
Fortunately, these penis enlargement workouts are very easy to do, especially if you already know which muscles they are meant to target.
One easy way to find these muscles is to urinate.
In a nutshell, all you have to do is either slow down or stop your urine from flowing while urinating without tensing any of the muscles in your legs, stomach or buttocks.
Don't even hold your breath.
Once you can successfully stop or slow down the flow of your urine, you will know exactly where the necessary muscles are located for these exercises.
Another way to find these muscles is to imagine you are stopping gas.
Squeezing the PC muscles should give off a pulling sensation, thus resulting in finding the perfect muscles to use for kegel exercises.
Again, it would be vital not to contract any other muscles during this time, though.
There are also several cases wherein men might need biofeedback in order to target the necessary muscles.
Now, on to the exercises! To do kegel exercises, simply squeeze your PC muscles while slowly counting to 5.
Then, release that squeeze while slowly counting to 5 and do this 10 times in a row.
Ideally, you should do 1 set of 10 kegel exercises 3 times a day.
If you are a beginner, it might be easier for you to do these exercises while lying down, so that your PC muscles won't have to fight against gravity.
You might want to aim for your squeezes to only last for 2 or 3 seconds to start, as well.
The choice is yours.
Once a few weeks have gone by, you can then gradually increase the time of your squeezes until you reach 10 seconds.
You can also try doing the exercises while standing to put more weight onto your PC muscles and boost your workout at the same time.
This will improve your control even more in the end.
As with any other type of exercise out there, seeing the results of penis enlargement workouts will take some time, so be patient.
If you choose to do kegel exercises thrice a day, though, you should be able to notice better bladder control after just 3 weeks, if not sooner.
Try keeping track of your urine leakage every day, so you can notice the improvements with time.
If you still don't see any changes after a month, then you might be targeting the wrong muscles.