Heart Disease Symptoms, Causes, Prevention
Heart disease is a term that is used in general to refer to any condition or disease of the heart. This includes heart failure, hypertension, congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease, heart infections, conduction disorders, disorders of the heart valves, heart arrhythmias and cardiomyopathy. There are many heart disease symptoms and causes that one needs to be aware of in order to find a way to prevent or cure them.
The heart is the vital organ of the body that is a muscular pump inside the chest. It continuously and rhythmically beats to keep the blood flowing throughout the body. Normally, the heart weighs at about 10 and a half ounces and it is approximately the size of your clenched fist. The heart pumps 5 quarts of blood through your body about 500 times each day.
The heart will beat from 60 to 120 times per minute, depending on your emotions (such as being relaxed or being excited). One average, the blood cell travels throughout the body's veins and arteries every 60 seconds. It can speed up to about 10 miles per hour.
The heart is extremely important and should be well-taken care of. The arteries will become clogged if the body takes in too much bad cholesterol, or if there would be a build-up of plaque, calcium, and scar tissue. This will make it extremely difficult for the heart to keep pumping and circulate blood and will turn into a form of heart disease.
What are the causes of heart disease?
There are many factors that contribute to the risk of getting a heart disease. Some of these are smoking, diabetes, hypertension, genetics, and a sedentary lifestyle.
What are the heart disease symptoms?
On the early stages there usually aren't any but the first symptom is chest pain. You would feel pain or discomfort in your chest, and it is usually triggered by exertion. Upon resting, the pain will ease away. The pain can be described to be a dull ache in the center of the chest. It can also be a feeling of pressure that spreads across the neck and arms.
When you feel one of these heart disease symptoms, go to a doctor and have your self checked immediately. Do not disregard it because it might lead to a more serious heart disease if left untreated.
How do you prevent heart disease?
In order to fight against heart disease, you will need to go through a regular physical activity. It doesn't have to be rigorous, just moderate enough each day in order to lower your LDL cholesterol and heighten your HDL cholesterol. Furthermore, exercise will improve the pumping efficiency of the heart, which in turn will increase your overall endurance and strength.
You will also need to eat more fresh fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, poultry, fish and grain. Saturated fat should be avoided. You need to be aware of your cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels in order for you to monitor your risk of heart disease.
Knowing about the different heart disease symptoms and causes can help prevent them from happening.
The heart is the vital organ of the body that is a muscular pump inside the chest. It continuously and rhythmically beats to keep the blood flowing throughout the body. Normally, the heart weighs at about 10 and a half ounces and it is approximately the size of your clenched fist. The heart pumps 5 quarts of blood through your body about 500 times each day.
The heart will beat from 60 to 120 times per minute, depending on your emotions (such as being relaxed or being excited). One average, the blood cell travels throughout the body's veins and arteries every 60 seconds. It can speed up to about 10 miles per hour.
The heart is extremely important and should be well-taken care of. The arteries will become clogged if the body takes in too much bad cholesterol, or if there would be a build-up of plaque, calcium, and scar tissue. This will make it extremely difficult for the heart to keep pumping and circulate blood and will turn into a form of heart disease.
What are the causes of heart disease?
There are many factors that contribute to the risk of getting a heart disease. Some of these are smoking, diabetes, hypertension, genetics, and a sedentary lifestyle.
What are the heart disease symptoms?
On the early stages there usually aren't any but the first symptom is chest pain. You would feel pain or discomfort in your chest, and it is usually triggered by exertion. Upon resting, the pain will ease away. The pain can be described to be a dull ache in the center of the chest. It can also be a feeling of pressure that spreads across the neck and arms.
When you feel one of these heart disease symptoms, go to a doctor and have your self checked immediately. Do not disregard it because it might lead to a more serious heart disease if left untreated.
How do you prevent heart disease?
In order to fight against heart disease, you will need to go through a regular physical activity. It doesn't have to be rigorous, just moderate enough each day in order to lower your LDL cholesterol and heighten your HDL cholesterol. Furthermore, exercise will improve the pumping efficiency of the heart, which in turn will increase your overall endurance and strength.
You will also need to eat more fresh fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, poultry, fish and grain. Saturated fat should be avoided. You need to be aware of your cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels in order for you to monitor your risk of heart disease.
Knowing about the different heart disease symptoms and causes can help prevent them from happening.