How Does an Air Hose Quick Disconnect Work?
- The mechanical wedge has been used for over 5,000 years to accomplish various tasks to apply forces to mating components, either to hold them in place or to move them. In the case of a air hose quick disconnect, the use of a wedge is used in the typical fashion of force application to hold several ball bearings in place that in turn hold a pneumatic male component in place. In mechanical component convention, a part that is inserted into another mating component is considered the male component and conversely the component that receives the male component is considered the female.
- There are two critical functions of an air hose quick disconnect. First, the quick disconnect acts as a mechanical retention device that holds a pneumatic hose in place and, second, the quick disconnect acts as a valve that allows air to flow to a pneumatic device or, when disconnected, closes off the air flow. The second function is a safety feature that prevents the heavy steel end of an air hose from thrashing caused by rapid air movement through the end of the hose.
- An air hose quick disconnect is used by pulling back on the outside sleeve that is part of the internal wedge. This outside sleeve moves the internal wedge that is pushing against a series of ball bearings retaining the male portion of a pneumatic device or other air hose. Once the wedge moves and allows the ball bearing to move, a male component can either be inserted or removed from the air hose quick disconnect.
Mechanical Theory and Convention
Critical Functions of a Quick Disconnect
Proper Use