Putting Your Best Foot Forward For Summer
As we get our faces and bodies ready to face exposure during the summer, we also need to remember our feet.
After spending winter in socks and shoes, your feet may have taken a beating and you want them to look attractive when you go barefoot or wear sandals.
Also, your feet carry the weight of your entire body and deserve some special attention.
Here are some foot care tips to get your feet looking their best for the summer days ahead...
Remove the dead, hardened skin from your feet at least once a week.
Start by soaking your feet for about 10 minutes in warm water to soften the dead skin and dirt.
After the skin on your feet is soft, use a foot file or pumice to rub away the dead skin and calluses.
After you file your feet, soak them in warm water for another 10 minutes.
Add drops of essential oil to moisturize your feet while you soak them.
Olive oil works quite well and lavender oil adds a pleasant scent to the water while it softens your feet.
Trim your toenails while they are soft.
The proper way to cut your toenails is straight across to avoid ingrown toenails.
If you want to shape the corners, use a large emery board.
Make sure your feet are completely dry after you soak them or take a shower.
Wet feet are a breeding ground for bacteria, which causes additional peeling.
Use a soft towel made from natural materials to dry your feet and in between your toes.
Moisturize your feet with a rich body or foot lotion every night before bed.
Because the soles of your feet have no oil glands, it is particularly important to remember to moisturize your feet daily.
To maximize the effects of the moisturizer, slather plenty of lotion on your feet and put on socks right away.
Wear the socks to bed and the next morning your feet will be noticeably soft and supple.
Try soaking tired, swollen feet in cold water for a few minutes and then rest them up above your head for 10 minutes.
You can do this by lying on your bed and putting your feet up on your headboard.
A really quick fix for tired, swollen feet is to take off your shoes and roll your feet over cold cans from the refrigerator.
Another great way to prepare your feet for summer exposure is a professional pedicure, which is the ultimate pampering experience for both women and men.
Consider having a foot massage when you go, which increases circulation and feels simply terrific.
With a bit of extra foot care, you will be proud to run barefoot in the sun this summer.
After spending winter in socks and shoes, your feet may have taken a beating and you want them to look attractive when you go barefoot or wear sandals.
Also, your feet carry the weight of your entire body and deserve some special attention.
Here are some foot care tips to get your feet looking their best for the summer days ahead...
Remove the dead, hardened skin from your feet at least once a week.
Start by soaking your feet for about 10 minutes in warm water to soften the dead skin and dirt.
After the skin on your feet is soft, use a foot file or pumice to rub away the dead skin and calluses.
After you file your feet, soak them in warm water for another 10 minutes.
Add drops of essential oil to moisturize your feet while you soak them.
Olive oil works quite well and lavender oil adds a pleasant scent to the water while it softens your feet.
Trim your toenails while they are soft.
The proper way to cut your toenails is straight across to avoid ingrown toenails.
If you want to shape the corners, use a large emery board.
Make sure your feet are completely dry after you soak them or take a shower.
Wet feet are a breeding ground for bacteria, which causes additional peeling.
Use a soft towel made from natural materials to dry your feet and in between your toes.
Moisturize your feet with a rich body or foot lotion every night before bed.
Because the soles of your feet have no oil glands, it is particularly important to remember to moisturize your feet daily.
To maximize the effects of the moisturizer, slather plenty of lotion on your feet and put on socks right away.
Wear the socks to bed and the next morning your feet will be noticeably soft and supple.
Try soaking tired, swollen feet in cold water for a few minutes and then rest them up above your head for 10 minutes.
You can do this by lying on your bed and putting your feet up on your headboard.
A really quick fix for tired, swollen feet is to take off your shoes and roll your feet over cold cans from the refrigerator.
Another great way to prepare your feet for summer exposure is a professional pedicure, which is the ultimate pampering experience for both women and men.
Consider having a foot massage when you go, which increases circulation and feels simply terrific.
With a bit of extra foot care, you will be proud to run barefoot in the sun this summer.