The Latest Paranormal News and Views
Cammy: A new Canadian lake monster?
Move over, Sasquatch: Some say there's a new monster in Canada, living in a small lake on Vancouver Island. John Kirk, co-founder of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, says his organization began cataloguing sighting reports of an odd creature in Cameron Lake about five years ago, when two people reported seeing a long black animal in the water. "Witnesses have been describing what looks like a dark creature in the lake," Kirk said, adding that British Columbia has more reputed lake monsters than anywhere else in the world...
Coral man has 'shells' cut from his body
A man dubbed the human coral reef has been successfully treated for a rare condition that covered his whole body in shell-like growths. The severity of Lin Tianzhuan's condition shocked doctors. Lin Tianzhuan, 38, of Shuimen, southern China, first noticed the growths on his hands and feet when he was just 13. "It started with a few hard bumps so I tried to apply antibiotics and creams but it didn't get better," he explained. "Instead it just got worse. They grew and grew and soon they were all over my arms and legs, my back and even my head. Ii was as if I was turning to stone and it was terrifying," he added...
Travel Channel scares up footage at KC haunted houses
The Travel Channel was in town Saturday looking for a few good screamers. The television network filmed at Kansas City's famous West Bottoms haunted houses - The Beast, 1401 W. 13th St., and The Edge of Hell, 1300 W. 12th St. - for a show to air in October. Both houses are owned and operated by Full Moon Productions...
Travel Q&A: Scare up a haunted hotel in October
Q: With Halloween nearing, my daughter and I think it would be fun to stay in a haunted hotel in October. Any suggestions? A: Regardless whether you believe in ghosts, haunted hotels can be a real hoot...
Dead salmon 'responds' to portraits of people
The latest weapon in the battle over the legitimacy of some functional brain scanning studies is a dead fish. In study titled "Neural correlates of interspecies perspective taking in the post-mortem Atlantic Salmon", researchers scanned 1.7 kg (3.8 pounds) of a dead salmon while it was shown images of humans in various social situations. It's not clear how long the salmon had been dead by the time it was studied, but Craig Bennett at the University of California, Santa Barbara, says he scanned it about an hour after picking it up from the supermarket, so it was definitely already a goner. So what did he and his colleagues find? Bizarrely, a region of the dead salmon's brain lit up during the task...
Ghost tours of Gettysburg
What was that? Did you glimpse a shadowy figure along the tree line? See a face in the window of a locked building? Hear a groan or cry? Catch a whiff of pipe tobacco or peppermint or lavender in the wind? Experiences like these are not uncommon in Gettysburg, considered by some to be among the most haunted towns in America...
Something spooky at the Old Baraboo Inn?
While it will take some time to arrive at final conclusions from an investigation early Sunday of the Old Baraboo Inn's strange happenings, an area paranormal research group said there's definitely something going on there. James Schilling, the lead investigator for Tri-County Paranormal, said he was convinced there were at least 10 "active spirits" in the building. The group worked from 1:30 a.m. until about 4:30 Sunday morning, scanning the bar for electromagnetic fields and asking questions of the seemingly empty rooms...
Ghost stories of Paranormal' have spine-chilling lake effect
Open expanses of water long have stirred up legend and superstition -- think Bermuda Triangle, the Flying Dutchman, Atlantis. We've got our own set of water-borne mysteries, says Seven Hills author Charles Cassady Jr. His entertaining book Paranormal Great Lakes (Schiffer, 180 pp. $14.99) is an alphabetical compendium of stories, legends, speculation and the occasional documented report of strange happenings on our waterways. Cassady casts a skeptic's eye as he relates tales of ghost ships, haunted lighthouses, alien sightings, ship-eating vortexes and lake monsters. (Lemmy, the Lake Erie Monster, has lent its name to both a hockey team and a sandwich)...
Move over, Sasquatch: Some say there's a new monster in Canada, living in a small lake on Vancouver Island. John Kirk, co-founder of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, says his organization began cataloguing sighting reports of an odd creature in Cameron Lake about five years ago, when two people reported seeing a long black animal in the water. "Witnesses have been describing what looks like a dark creature in the lake," Kirk said, adding that British Columbia has more reputed lake monsters than anywhere else in the world...
Coral man has 'shells' cut from his body
A man dubbed the human coral reef has been successfully treated for a rare condition that covered his whole body in shell-like growths. The severity of Lin Tianzhuan's condition shocked doctors. Lin Tianzhuan, 38, of Shuimen, southern China, first noticed the growths on his hands and feet when he was just 13. "It started with a few hard bumps so I tried to apply antibiotics and creams but it didn't get better," he explained. "Instead it just got worse. They grew and grew and soon they were all over my arms and legs, my back and even my head. Ii was as if I was turning to stone and it was terrifying," he added...
Travel Channel scares up footage at KC haunted houses
The Travel Channel was in town Saturday looking for a few good screamers. The television network filmed at Kansas City's famous West Bottoms haunted houses - The Beast, 1401 W. 13th St., and The Edge of Hell, 1300 W. 12th St. - for a show to air in October. Both houses are owned and operated by Full Moon Productions...
Travel Q&A: Scare up a haunted hotel in October
Q: With Halloween nearing, my daughter and I think it would be fun to stay in a haunted hotel in October. Any suggestions? A: Regardless whether you believe in ghosts, haunted hotels can be a real hoot...
Dead salmon 'responds' to portraits of people
The latest weapon in the battle over the legitimacy of some functional brain scanning studies is a dead fish. In study titled "Neural correlates of interspecies perspective taking in the post-mortem Atlantic Salmon", researchers scanned 1.7 kg (3.8 pounds) of a dead salmon while it was shown images of humans in various social situations. It's not clear how long the salmon had been dead by the time it was studied, but Craig Bennett at the University of California, Santa Barbara, says he scanned it about an hour after picking it up from the supermarket, so it was definitely already a goner. So what did he and his colleagues find? Bizarrely, a region of the dead salmon's brain lit up during the task...
Ghost tours of Gettysburg
What was that? Did you glimpse a shadowy figure along the tree line? See a face in the window of a locked building? Hear a groan or cry? Catch a whiff of pipe tobacco or peppermint or lavender in the wind? Experiences like these are not uncommon in Gettysburg, considered by some to be among the most haunted towns in America...
Something spooky at the Old Baraboo Inn?
While it will take some time to arrive at final conclusions from an investigation early Sunday of the Old Baraboo Inn's strange happenings, an area paranormal research group said there's definitely something going on there. James Schilling, the lead investigator for Tri-County Paranormal, said he was convinced there were at least 10 "active spirits" in the building. The group worked from 1:30 a.m. until about 4:30 Sunday morning, scanning the bar for electromagnetic fields and asking questions of the seemingly empty rooms...
Ghost stories of Paranormal' have spine-chilling lake effect
Open expanses of water long have stirred up legend and superstition -- think Bermuda Triangle, the Flying Dutchman, Atlantis. We've got our own set of water-borne mysteries, says Seven Hills author Charles Cassady Jr. His entertaining book Paranormal Great Lakes (Schiffer, 180 pp. $14.99) is an alphabetical compendium of stories, legends, speculation and the occasional documented report of strange happenings on our waterways. Cassady casts a skeptic's eye as he relates tales of ghost ships, haunted lighthouses, alien sightings, ship-eating vortexes and lake monsters. (Lemmy, the Lake Erie Monster, has lent its name to both a hockey team and a sandwich)...