4 Tips About Proper Bagging of Dollar Store Merchandise
If so, then here is another important procedure to add to the list for your new business.
This often overlooked procedure focuses on the bagging of dollar store merchandise which has just been sold.
This simple step may seem like a very minor process.
In fact you may be thinking it doesn't even warrant the time to write it down.
Yet errors can add up to many dollars in lost revenue over the year.
Don't gamble - carefully develop your process flow and then document each important step in the process as a part of starting a dollar store.
With the flow identified and documented, next invest the time to train all cashiers.
In fact this should become part of the initial training all cashiers receive prior to ever dealing with a real customer in a real sales transaction.
Read on for 4 tips about proper bagging of dollar store merchandise.
#1) Always place dollar store merchandise into shopping bags only after items have been rung into the cash register.
When starting a dollar store you will find not following this simple practice can cost you money in errors associated with forgetting to ring in an item.
Even worse; you risk dealing with unhappy customers who were charged twice for items.
#2) Treat fragile and heavy items differently.
Always wrap fragile and breakable items - tissue paper or old newspapers will serve you well here.
Be sure to safeguard heavy items by double-bagging.
Don't wait for an angry shopper to return with the pieces of the item they just purchased in one hand and a torn bag in the other.
#3) Carry shopping bags in assorted sizes.
You certainly don't need to carry every size offered.
Just carry one or two smaller sizes - one should be just right for greeting cards.
Add in t-shirt bags and a few other sizes and you are ready for business.
Then when actually starting a dollar store instruct your cashiers to use the appropriately sized bag for the products purchased each time they make a sale.
#4) Remember; the bigger the bag - the more it costs your business.
While one or two cents might seem like a meaningless amount of money, it adds up quickly.
Over the course of a year an extra one cent per sale can make a big difference.
Your cashiers are the gate to eliminating this loss.
Train cashiers to use the right size and strength of bag for the job.
Don't buy the thinnest bags available just because they cost a little less - especially if your cashiers then turn around and double-bag almost all purchases for safety anyway.