Creation of Constellation - Life"s Recreation Admiration
White smoke trails a red flaming ball placing the mind at ease.
Grave yard shift workers looking in amazement-wondering what's happening As darkness penetrated by flashing lights awakening soundless sleeping souls Heads popping from windows as busy as a Thanksgiving merchant of cranberries; Flooding crops to stop freezing for harvest of sweet berries and cherries Floating while hands moving and grabbing like busy bees to save the harvest.
Global warming would have been a disaster; mankind destroying God's creation Then someone screamed spam, like the blind fish that crashed in the wall-Dam! Reminds me of many emails over the computer, not the same kind of Emeril's Bam, Spam with eggs or spam mixed with bacon, must be a hungry Viking from Minnesota, state where my sister lives in peace looking at the North Star Saying, brother some of them are as naked as a needle, sounds so wishy washy Come to Minnesota, watch the North Star Constellation it's so sizzling-adoring The night is so super duper here.
It will be like eating spam from your bare hands.
There is hustle and a bustle to get there driving like a snail; Roadside Robo Cops Orion capturing a starry night is such a dream to see as one would agree Now it's a Boogie-woogie to get down the highway before the end of the day; Constellation patterns of bright stars connecting souls with life in space and time Made it in the nick of time; this starry constellation is like souls returning at anytime!