How to Choose Flowers
- 1). Evaluate the amount of direct sunlight the area receives. Full sun is defined as six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day. Partially shady describes areas that receive some direct sun either in the morning or afternoon, but may be shaded by buildings or natural structures, such as trees and shrubs, for the larger portion of the day. Shady areas receive little direct sunlight throughout the day, but may receive filtered light through the canopy of trees.
- 2). Consider the size and shape of the flowers. Ground covers are available with all lighting needs and grow close to the ground, creating a blanket of color in the landscape. Medium-height flowers grow 1 to 2 feet high and are suitable for the middle of flowerbeds, containers and small gardens. Tall flowers grow to a height of 3 to 6 feet or more and make wonderful backdrops to flowerbeds or a dramatic planting behind a fence. Vining flowers can easily cover a fence or trellis, creating a wall of color.
- 3). Choose colors that appeal to you and work well with the existing flowers in your landscape. Several shades from the same color group can be used to create waves of color, while contrasting colors can create a striking display. Purples and yellows make a wonderful contrast for early summer, while reds and oranges add a fiery display for fall.
- 4). Consider the blooming time for each flower. Choose flowers that bloom at different times to keep your garden alive with color throughout the year. Spring bulbs tucked in between later-blooming flowers provide color early in the season, while fall-blooming varieties, such as sunflowers, mums and asters, extend the garden well into the fall.
- 5). Evaluate the soil and moisture level in the area you wish to plant. Dry, sandy soil needs drought-tolerant plants with minimal water requirements. Soil near streams or in areas that are moist are best for water-loving plants.