Caution - Working With the Registry on Your Computer Can Be Hazardous to Your Computer"s Health
Opening this file will bring up all of your registry files.
There are literally thousands of files in the registry.
It will take time for you to navigate through these files to find the file or files that need fixing.
Editing or deleting the wrong file can be hazardous to your computer's health.
If you edit or delete the wrong file, your computer could become unstable or even a good substitute for a boat anchor.
A much simpler way to find and repair registry problems and insure your computers health is to purchase a registry clean up program.
These programs are widely available and used.
You don't need a degree in Computer Science to use one of these programs.
What you do have to accomplish is making a backup of your registry before you run the program.
If a program gets very aggressive in it's cleaning, it can make a mistake and delete a file that you really do need.
This is where your backup will come into play.
You can restore your registry to the condition it was in prior to running the registry cleanup program and you can try again.
Cleaning and repair on the registry can be hazardous to your computers health unless you have the proper skill set.
Utilizing a registry clean up program can make your computer run faster and better.
With the two choices available for registry repair, a registry cleanup program will insure your computers health with more certainty than if you attempt it on your own.