Doing a Rental Background Check Can Really Save You a Lot of Headaches
A rental background check can really save you a lot of headaches if you are in the property management business.
Have you ever had a tenant move in to your room or apartment for rent only to immediately stop paying and become a complete nuisance to you and your other tenants? This does not have to happen to you anymore.
There are a plethora of cheap information services offering rental background check with little out of pocket cost to you.
How much in terms of damage and loss rental income would you save had you just done a quick tenant credit and background check on your deadbeat tenant before handing him or her a set of keys.
As a property manager you are probably all too aware that more often than not the law falls on the side of the tenant and eviction can be a costly and expensive process.
It is all the more imperative then that you adequately screen tenants prior to acceptance of their rental applications no? Doing a quick rental background check can quickly and easily weed out the deadbeats from the good renters.
Make sure you collect the following information on your rental application: 1.
Name 2.
Previous addresses (and property manager contacts) 3.
Social Security Number (for credit check) 4.
Any aliases the person has used in the past 5.
Personal references (to be used to track down and serve bad apples if necessary).
Reject anyone who refuses to give this information.
Once you have all this information you are armed with all you need to do an effective rental background check.
Use this application and verification process consistently and you are certain to get and retain good, honest, steady paying tenants.
Further, the tenants you have will appreciate the absence of bad apples in your complex or boarding house.
Have you ever had a tenant move in to your room or apartment for rent only to immediately stop paying and become a complete nuisance to you and your other tenants? This does not have to happen to you anymore.
There are a plethora of cheap information services offering rental background check with little out of pocket cost to you.
How much in terms of damage and loss rental income would you save had you just done a quick tenant credit and background check on your deadbeat tenant before handing him or her a set of keys.
As a property manager you are probably all too aware that more often than not the law falls on the side of the tenant and eviction can be a costly and expensive process.
It is all the more imperative then that you adequately screen tenants prior to acceptance of their rental applications no? Doing a quick rental background check can quickly and easily weed out the deadbeats from the good renters.
Make sure you collect the following information on your rental application: 1.
Name 2.
Previous addresses (and property manager contacts) 3.
Social Security Number (for credit check) 4.
Any aliases the person has used in the past 5.
Personal references (to be used to track down and serve bad apples if necessary).
Reject anyone who refuses to give this information.
Once you have all this information you are armed with all you need to do an effective rental background check.
Use this application and verification process consistently and you are certain to get and retain good, honest, steady paying tenants.
Further, the tenants you have will appreciate the absence of bad apples in your complex or boarding house.