Card Credit Debt Reduction is Easy When You Have a Genie in Your Financial Lamp Showing You How
The days of living in the past when card interest rates were 4 to 8% are finished.
With the new 28 to 32% interest rates the question becomes will you be living in a rest home when you send in that last payment or will you be facing a lawsuit in the next few months because you are unable to pay now? One in six people are in delinquent status on their credit cards and it can only get worse.
Look around you and listen to what people say about their situation to quickly realize that you're not alone in this pink slip economy brought about by big banking and Wall Street schemers.
You worked hard, saved as much as you could, paid your bills on time, kept food on the table and a roof over your families head only to become a victim to the financial scandal initiated by those too big to fail organizations that control all the money.
The biggest problem people face when attempting debt reduction is not how much money they have to pay or where it will come from but it is a simple lack of knowledge of how credit card companies operate in the first place.
Query your favorite search engine for the term "where does money come from" and you'll quickly learn the child's game of musical chairs where everyone goes around in a circle until the music stops playing and you're forced to grab a seat or you're out of the game.
When you're unable to pay your debt or reduce it in any way, you're thrown out of the credit game and turned over to the legal system for some kind of punishment.
Now every kid knows you don't get punished simply because you don't have a chair to sit in.
Most adults believe they are supposed be punished when they are unable to pay card debt and they see their situation as hopeless.
In cyber land there is Genie that will grant your wishes for debt reduction but instead of rubbing a lamp you need only read the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to have your wishes granted.
Credit card debt reduction is not about how much money you owe or your ability to pay but it is dependent on your knowledge of the legal system and using your rights to make the card company lose their seat in the musical debt game.