Physical Therapy Exercises for a Sprained Wrist
- Before beginning any stretching or strengthening exercises for your sprained wrist, it is critical to alleviate the pain and swelling in the area with R.I.C.E. The initial 24 to 48 hours after an injury is a crucial period of time to help control the symptoms. R.I.C.E stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. Resting your sprained wrist prevents the condition from becoming aggravated, and you should ice it for 20 minutes, every 3 to 4 hours to reduce the pain. Compress the wrist by wrapping a large bandage around it to prevent swelling. Elevate a sprained wrist by keeping it above your heart, which prevents blood from collecting in the area.
- To perform a wrist stretch, use one hand to bend the opposite wrist. Press your hand in the backward direction for 30 seconds, while keeping your elbow straight.
A wrist extension stretch is when you place your palms down, elbows straight, and fingers flat on a table. Lean your body weight forward and hold for 30 seconds.
Place the back of your hands on a table to perform a wrist flexion stretch. With your palms facing up and fingers point toward your body, lean away from the table. Keep your elbows straight and hold for 30 seconds. - While holding a light dumbbell in your hand with your palm facing up, you can perform a wrist flexion exercise. Bend your wrist upwards, before lowering the weight back down to its starting position. As your wrist becomes stronger, gradually increase the weight you are holding.
Wrist extensions are a simple exercise that can strengthen a sprained wrist. While holding a light dumbbell, have your palm start in the face down position. Slowly bend your wrist upward, before lowering your weight to the starting position. Continue this exercise until your wrist begins to feel tired.
Grip strengthening is a simple, but effective exercise for a sprained wrist. Squeeze a rubber ball and hold it for five seconds before releasing.
Stretching Exercises
Strengthening Exercises