Is Jesus Really in Church?
I know a lot of people have been hurt in religious denominations and are probably reading this to re-affirm their anger against Church as it is popularly known.
While I understand your point of view, that is NOT the purpose of this article.
I know some others will probably feel uncomfortable and defensive about the title, and feel a need to defend Church in whatever form from any 'attacks' from me.
Well, you can relax now.
My point is not to attack the true Church - or to attack at all.
In all the quibbling and arguments, I just want to point us away from it all to THE REASON.
I can say for the first time in my life that I have a relationship with Jesus.
Like the title suggests, that relationship did not happen in any church - or denomination.
I have been a disciple - or Christian, if you prefer that title - for many years.
I left God for a while and had been atheist and when I came back to the God walk, I have walked with fervour.
However, there had always been the sense that there was something more...
something more...
something more...
Never throw away that feeling I knew it wasn't in Church, knew it wasn't in activity, knew it wasn't in bible reading or prayer that that 'thing' would be found.
So, I just told God sincerely over time, for years, that I wanted to know him, to walk in the reality of a relationship - just like Enoch did.
And then, one day, after standing before that door for so long, it suddenly opened up! God ALLOWS only the willing to find him - and when you SINCERELY pursue HIM, HE suddenly GRABS YOU, pulls you close to his beard, and allow you smell his fragrance, to feel him, to know him and sense Him like a long-lost friend, like a lover...
like the best friend you will ever have.
After seeking God in relationship and talking about Jesus, who I had always liked from a distance, it suddenly happened.
You see, it is possible to like Jesus as a CONCEPT, to respect his strength of character, his wisdom, his wittiness, his passion and all the things DESCRIBED in scripture - just like you can respect Obama's oratory prowess and charisma - BUT ALL FROM A DISTANCE.
I have asked many people for years about what a relationship with God is all about, but few know, or just talk about it in vague terms because many times they don't have it - and point you to more activity.
Suddenly, it all started to make sense.
You see, all of a sudden, I LIKE Jesus as a friend, a buddy, someone I talk to in real-time, someone who talks back to me when he chooses to, on his terms, that's why they say you accept Jesus.
And sadly, many people are burnt out on religion, quibbling about small churches versus big churches and pointing others to pray more, read more scripture, evangelise some more, cranking and manipulating people into more programs THAT DO NOT SATISFY - and that will lead to either hypocrisy or a burn out.
I sat next to a lady on a plane who said she was a Christian and got into a conversation about God.
I said, have you ever being in a relationship with a guy before? She said yes - and I asked her, when you say you like Jesus, do you have a similar emotional connect you had with your boyfriend? You can't say you love or like someone if there is no FEELING when you think about that PERSON.
If you are in relationship, it's a heart thing.
Your heart, your emotions gravitate towards someone.
It's not about what you are doing, which will happen automatically when you really love someone, but coming to a place where your affection is turned in a certain direction.
SO do you really have a relationship with Jesus? Do you love him - or are you just lost somewhere between church pews and activities, trying to bury the emptiness on your inside with false piety and stuff, thinking that working in a church is the same as working for God? Your walk with God is a reflection of what you have truly been seeking for...
While I understand your point of view, that is NOT the purpose of this article.
I know some others will probably feel uncomfortable and defensive about the title, and feel a need to defend Church in whatever form from any 'attacks' from me.
Well, you can relax now.
My point is not to attack the true Church - or to attack at all.
In all the quibbling and arguments, I just want to point us away from it all to THE REASON.
I can say for the first time in my life that I have a relationship with Jesus.
Like the title suggests, that relationship did not happen in any church - or denomination.
I have been a disciple - or Christian, if you prefer that title - for many years.
I left God for a while and had been atheist and when I came back to the God walk, I have walked with fervour.
However, there had always been the sense that there was something more...
something more...
something more...
Never throw away that feeling I knew it wasn't in Church, knew it wasn't in activity, knew it wasn't in bible reading or prayer that that 'thing' would be found.
So, I just told God sincerely over time, for years, that I wanted to know him, to walk in the reality of a relationship - just like Enoch did.
And then, one day, after standing before that door for so long, it suddenly opened up! God ALLOWS only the willing to find him - and when you SINCERELY pursue HIM, HE suddenly GRABS YOU, pulls you close to his beard, and allow you smell his fragrance, to feel him, to know him and sense Him like a long-lost friend, like a lover...
like the best friend you will ever have.
After seeking God in relationship and talking about Jesus, who I had always liked from a distance, it suddenly happened.
You see, it is possible to like Jesus as a CONCEPT, to respect his strength of character, his wisdom, his wittiness, his passion and all the things DESCRIBED in scripture - just like you can respect Obama's oratory prowess and charisma - BUT ALL FROM A DISTANCE.
I have asked many people for years about what a relationship with God is all about, but few know, or just talk about it in vague terms because many times they don't have it - and point you to more activity.
Suddenly, it all started to make sense.
You see, all of a sudden, I LIKE Jesus as a friend, a buddy, someone I talk to in real-time, someone who talks back to me when he chooses to, on his terms, that's why they say you accept Jesus.
And sadly, many people are burnt out on religion, quibbling about small churches versus big churches and pointing others to pray more, read more scripture, evangelise some more, cranking and manipulating people into more programs THAT DO NOT SATISFY - and that will lead to either hypocrisy or a burn out.
I sat next to a lady on a plane who said she was a Christian and got into a conversation about God.
I said, have you ever being in a relationship with a guy before? She said yes - and I asked her, when you say you like Jesus, do you have a similar emotional connect you had with your boyfriend? You can't say you love or like someone if there is no FEELING when you think about that PERSON.
If you are in relationship, it's a heart thing.
Your heart, your emotions gravitate towards someone.
It's not about what you are doing, which will happen automatically when you really love someone, but coming to a place where your affection is turned in a certain direction.
SO do you really have a relationship with Jesus? Do you love him - or are you just lost somewhere between church pews and activities, trying to bury the emptiness on your inside with false piety and stuff, thinking that working in a church is the same as working for God? Your walk with God is a reflection of what you have truly been seeking for...