Family Violence
And they seem to be definitely out of control.
A child is burnt, or battered to a heap of flesh just because he has stolen £0.
Many teens and children are violently raped by their fathers, uncles or other guardians.
Though it is not clear whether violence and abuse have really increased or only seem to have increased due to willingness to report and increased media coverage.
It is apparent many communities around the world have little access to media.
If one is to argue that the less educated, poor, and with little access get their information from their opinion leaders, for most of the times, the opinion leaders may not be educated and privileged enough to be frequently accessible to media.
What cannot be debated whether it is true or not are the negative effects of violence and all forms of abuse.
According to a sociology book written by Theodire C.
Wagenaar and Published by McGraw- Hill, child abuse victims suffer a decline in intelligentand increased risk of depression and suicide.
Young children tend to be hyperactive, easily distracted, and unpopular.
As adolescents and adults, they are more likely than others to abuse drugs or alcohol and to become involved in juvenile delinquency and violent crime.
Spouses also suffer from violence and general abuse.
It happens that more women are the recipients of all forms of abuse.
They suffer physically and psychologically, rendering them unable to function and play their roles well.
Sociologists have identified type of persons who often involve in abusing other members of the family.
According to them, most child abusers are single parents who have been married less than 10 years (or not at all) and had a child before age of 18.
And typically wife beaters have been married less than 10 years, and are employed part time or not at all.
What do all these tell us? It seems that the actions of abusers have economic, cultural or social origins.
According to Waggener, some sociologists argue that child abuse can end only when the social conditions that cause it are alleviated.
This would involve identifying families at risk and providing them with the various forms of support and assistance, such as child rearing classes, rent supplements, and drug treatment.
And since the roots of wife abuse lie in both economic and cultural beliefs in violence and male superiority, the most effective wayto reduce wife abuse according to Waganaar is to combine criminal sanctions for abusers with counselling and shelter for victims.
Waganaar writes that a man who happens to be a wife beater feels need to play the role of male provider and to dominate his wife and children but lacks the social and economic resources to do so without physical force.
He added that some researchers have linked wife battering to status inconsistency, a gap between the roles the man thinks he ought to play in reaction to others and the actual position in which he finds himself.
Perhaps socio-economic and cultural factors contributes immensely to family violence and abuse.