Overall Health Cannot Be Attained Without Emotional Wellness
Although drugs are used for short term treatment of emotional health problems, a long term approach has to include coping mechanisms to help a person to pull their life together for a healthy existence which can lead to wellness.
Whenever possible, the main goal is attaining an overall healthy life is to learn how to stay on top of your emotions without drugs.
A doctor can prescribe medication for a physical ailment.
A psychiatrist can prescribe an antidepressant for an emotional disruption due to a stressful situation.
But to keep your health vibrant and resilient to attacks both physical and mental, one needs to learn about your emotions, what triggers negative emotions and how to handle your emotional system.
Emotional wellness can be a system of exercises that you learn as you grow older and deal with your life stresses.
You learn that panic can have adverse reactions on your physical well being and hurt your health by introducing unspent adrenaline that can and does make you both physically and mentally ill.
You learn that one way to work off unspent adrenaline is by taking a brisk walk.
You learn to cut down on caffeine when your mental condition is depressed.
All of these coping mechanisms are part of your nature that wants you to be healthy.
The road to emotional wellness is getting in tune with your better half.
The part of you that has the control of your chemical factory and can order your mind to produce natural antidepressants is the part that you need to keep in good running condition by eating healthy, staying fit and loving yourself first before you try to love others.
If your mental health is suffering, your physical health will also suffer.
Living on a diet of stress and treating it with cigarettes, coffee and prescription drugs is a sure fire way of dying early.
Giving over control of your mind to psychotropic medications prescribed by well-meaning psychiatrists to treat a life stressor is a sure fire way of finding yourself in both physical and mental illness.
Learning to value your body as a physical container of your emotions will help you to always look after yourself and what is good for that container of yourself before risking your well being.
Learning that you have the right to love yourself and to protect yourself regardless of what other people are doing or saying about yourself, is the road to emotional wellness and a healthy existence.
Whenever possible, the main goal is attaining an overall healthy life is to learn how to stay on top of your emotions without drugs.
A doctor can prescribe medication for a physical ailment.
A psychiatrist can prescribe an antidepressant for an emotional disruption due to a stressful situation.
But to keep your health vibrant and resilient to attacks both physical and mental, one needs to learn about your emotions, what triggers negative emotions and how to handle your emotional system.
Emotional wellness can be a system of exercises that you learn as you grow older and deal with your life stresses.
You learn that panic can have adverse reactions on your physical well being and hurt your health by introducing unspent adrenaline that can and does make you both physically and mentally ill.
You learn that one way to work off unspent adrenaline is by taking a brisk walk.
You learn to cut down on caffeine when your mental condition is depressed.
All of these coping mechanisms are part of your nature that wants you to be healthy.
The road to emotional wellness is getting in tune with your better half.
The part of you that has the control of your chemical factory and can order your mind to produce natural antidepressants is the part that you need to keep in good running condition by eating healthy, staying fit and loving yourself first before you try to love others.
If your mental health is suffering, your physical health will also suffer.
Living on a diet of stress and treating it with cigarettes, coffee and prescription drugs is a sure fire way of dying early.
Giving over control of your mind to psychotropic medications prescribed by well-meaning psychiatrists to treat a life stressor is a sure fire way of finding yourself in both physical and mental illness.
Learning to value your body as a physical container of your emotions will help you to always look after yourself and what is good for that container of yourself before risking your well being.
Learning that you have the right to love yourself and to protect yourself regardless of what other people are doing or saying about yourself, is the road to emotional wellness and a healthy existence.