Tired of the Energy Crisis? Are There Safe, Healthy and Sustainable Alternatives?
Ironic, isn't it? We have created our own, man made form of energy; electricity.
This we have done by using resources in the earth such as coal, water, uranium, etcetera, to channel the electrical energy for our usage.
I have read that coal supplies in the earth will be depleted in about six years time, at the current rate of usage.
Evidently, within the next ten years, there will only be enough water for 30% of the world's population.
No Energy equals No Life, do you want this..
? Question: has mankind mistreated and abused the natural resources in the earth? ANSWER: Without a doubt.
One may argue that we have needed to do so for industrial and technological advancement, but where and when does it all end? Energy and water are the vital components that build and maintain all forms of life on earth.
I wonder whether and when there will be a major depletion of life on earth, because the scales are tipped and mother nature tries to maintain and regain the natural balance.
Like the ripple effect of throwing a stone into a pond or lake, the abuse of nature and the earth's resources has affected all life in our solar system, possibly the entire universe.
But as for what it has done to human, animal and plant life on earth is horrific.
The question might be asked; What can we do about it, as we have reached a point where we cannot live without electrical power? Or can we? Some people who I have interviewed say that mankind has evolved to a point of no return and we can not live without electricity at all.
Others feel, as I do, that as long as we can produce it safely, without any negative affects on nature, we can continue using it; otherwise it must go.
Have we actually evolved or "devolved"? I believe that for as long as we are destroying what God has given us, we are not evolving.
We can choose to use other natural resources to produce electrical energy which can be totally harmless to life on earth such as wind, water currents, solar power, and a few more.
To get more detailed information about wind, water, and solar power forms of electricity generation, and to contribute to this discussion, contact the link below.