What Do You Do in "LEGO Indiana Jones" in the Free the Slaves Mission?
- Use the character Willie to build a ladder for Indy to use. Find a box on the right side of the screen and put it on the green pad to the left of the screen. Use the character Indy's whip to activate a platform. Have Willie jump on the platform and take another box. Put the second box on the second green pad. Build a mine cart and use it to destroy a gate. Go through the hole and fight the enemies. Use the machine on the right side of the screen to release the cage and free the slave. The slave will open the door for you. Go through the door.
- Use Indy's whip to swing above the lava. Destroy the barrel, and you'll see a LEGO piece. Put that piece on the green platform and then work the machine next to you to move the platform across the lava. Jump across and then hit the LEGO piece with your whip and pick it up. Put the LEGO piece near the edge of the second platform. Jump to the next platform and do the same with the Lego piece again. You may fall here but keep trying until you reach the last platform. Put the Lego piece on the marked machine.
Go to the back of the room and destroy barrels to discover a wrench and a shovel. Use the wrench to fix the engine to make a rising platform. Use the shovel to dig up a key and then use the key on the machine. Get on the platform and ride it up. Swing across to the cage and free the slave. The slave will pull a switch and open a door. Fight the enemies and go through the door.
Pick up a piece of dynamite from the green box. Use it to blow up the rubble blocking the way. Go through. - Fight the enemies. Destroy the boards blocking your path into the tunnel. Pick up the LEGO piece and place it on the designated spot to your left. Now you can pull out a set of stairs. Climb up the stairs. Use the shovel located near the cage to dig up another LEGO piece. Put the piece on the green spot. Pull to release the slaves. One will raise the platforms for you. Go over them. Destroy the rubble blocking the tunnel. Go through the tunnel.
- This is the boss fight. Your enemy is the Thuggee Slave Driver. His Maharajah can heal him during the fight, so he's a bit difficult to defeat. Start by defeating the magician. Grab a piece of dynamite from the crate and throw it at the child's cell. The child is now free and playable. Use the child to crawl through the small hole near the floor. Hit the Maharajah, and he'll run off. Break the barrels to find a wrench. Use the wrench to fix the platform. Get on the platforms and cross over to where the Maharajah is. Punch him. Again, he'll run away.
Switch to another character and push the cart to the right side of the screen. Switch back to the child and jump on the cart. Jump from the cart to the platform where the Maharajah is standing. Punch him a third time, and now you've defeated the healer.
Now the Slave Driver is throwing rocks from the conveyor belt. Watch to see when he goes to pick up a very big, heavy rock. He's vulnerable during this moment. Grab some dynamite and try to hit him. Keep hitting him with dynamite while he's lifting the big, heavy rocks, and after five solid hits, you'll defeat him.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV