Home Business Tips - Are You Covering Up the Problem?
Many people adopt the attitude - if I ignore it, it will go away.
The amazing part is that we all know that does not work.
Three of the ways people cover up their problems are: 1) Busyness - There are so many "things" you can do every day in your home business.
How many of them are really building your business? Or even worse because your business is at home you allow yourself to get pulled into all the tasks and chores that need to be done around the house.
2) Belief or lack there of! - Lack of self confidence, believing that you cannot do what ever it is that needs to be done.
3) Medications - Did you know that Viagra and depression drugs are the top selling legal drugs today.
People are covering up the symptoms instead of discovering and dealing with the actual problem.
4) Distractions - Oh my gosh there are just so many of these.
Family, kids, pets, neighbours, TV I could go on and on but you know what I mean, don't you! What can you do in order to deal with all of the ways you cover up your problems in building your home business.
1) Must take action and that action must be focused.
You can start with 15 minute increments, that is how I developed my writing habit.
Schedule your 15 minutes of focused action for what you need to do that is the most critical in building your business.
Schedule that 15 minutes every day, it must be the first thing you schedule.
During that 15 minutes do not allow yourself to do anything else, if you are not doing what you scheduled to do, just sit there, do nothing else! 2) Line your activities up with your dream, do what you know is important.
For me in building my team I know that people need to know who I am, therefore the writing is important.
Sponsoring the 1000 children with The Plan is a huge part of my dream I line up my activities so that I see that dream every day and remind myself about what needs to be accomplished.
3) How much are you willing to resist to live the lifestyle of freedom, to stop covering up the problem? Resistance is what creates strength, weight lifting creates strength in your muscles and resisting things like brownies and gossip strengthens you belief muscle.