Some Tips for Travelling Through Europe - Situating Accommodations and Guides to See Things
Decide Where to Start
If you have chosen the region you would like to visit there is a chance you will find many things and places in the area you would like to see. Decide first where you will start your journey. If you intend to travel through one country for example and ultimately wind up in a specific town or village then you would be best beginning in the furthest location for your holiday spot and work your way towards it. Make a list of everything you want to see and do along the way as following some sort of itinerary is always a good idea.
Are You Travelling with Children?
If you have children coming along on holiday with you, always add a bit of extra time each day for them to see things and of course slow you down. Whilst we love our children, they certainly know how to get us off track and totally mess up our itineraries, don't they? This is why you plan ahead and make sure you have leave enough time for each day of your trip in order to be sure you get to see all the things you set out to. Do make sure you plan for things the children will enjoy too or they are bound to give you a headache with their whining about how boring the trip is.
How Long Do You Intend to Stay?
Have you ever tried to plan your week and found that your schedule, although seemingly prepared perfectly, did not allow enough time for everything you had planned? The same goes for a site-seeing trip in Europe, only 100 times worse. Be very careful when allocating time for this and that. What you think may only take an hour could take several, especially if you have chosen sites, which have long lines. Plan your itinerary carefully based on how long you intend to stay.