Hydrogen Peroxide Teeth Whitening - Does It Really Work and Safe?
If you have been searching for a teeth whitening solution, then chances are you have stumbled upon the household item that you can use to whiten your teeth, hydrogen peroxide. For those who have not heard of this product or have it in their home, hydrogen peroxide is a viscous liquid with strong oxidizing properties; a powerful bleaching agent; also used (in aqueous solutions) as a mild disinfectant and (in strong concentrations) as an oxidant in rocket fuels. Got that definition off the web, quite long and I like that it is used as an oxidant in rocket fuels. Basically this is an integral component in any teeth whitening solutions that you have might used before. Our discussion here is mainly if this product is safe to be used in its original form directly onto teeth.
It is safe, provided that it is used as directed which is a 3% solution and not in larger quantities or used too often. You can check on the bottle to know the percentage of the Hydrogen peroxide before buying. You can use it as a mouthwash as it has antiseptic properties, the same thing that you would use on your cuts and scrapes. When using it as a mouth wash, you can put a little as few tablespoon's worth in a small cup so that you can easily gargle it instead of taking a sip from the bottle. Be careful not too sip too much as it will expand, foaming and bubbling in your mouth. Gargle for about 30 to 60 seconds, swishing it about so that it reaches every area in your mouth, then spit it out like you would a mouth wash. Because of the foams and bubbles the hydrogen peroxide will reach every part of your teeth, even in between teeth, your mouth will feel very clean after this. You would be able to see a difference after using it for a few days. Remember also to gargle with clean water after spitting out the hydrogen peroxide. Your gum might feel a little tingling, but it will disappear once you are used to gargling with this solution.
If you want, you could also make your own hydrogen peroxide toothpaste. You could use this toothpaste once or twice a week, other than using your normal toothpaste. What you should do is to combine the hydrogen peroxide with some baking soda. Baking soda is readily available either in your cupboard or at any grocery store. To start, mix some hydrogen peroxide with the baking soda and then add some flavored toothpaste so that it tastes better and mix everything together. You can keep this in an airtight container, away from the reach of any small children, as kids tend to swallow their toothpaste and it is not a good idea to do that when you are brushing with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda! Expect to see results in a few weeks.
It is normal for hydrogen peroxide to make your gums uncomfortable, but is these symptoms persist, discontinue using it and consult your dentist. Even if the product is safe, your mouth might not agree with you so make sure that you do not sacrifice healthy teeth for the sake of a whiter smile.
It is safe, provided that it is used as directed which is a 3% solution and not in larger quantities or used too often. You can check on the bottle to know the percentage of the Hydrogen peroxide before buying. You can use it as a mouthwash as it has antiseptic properties, the same thing that you would use on your cuts and scrapes. When using it as a mouth wash, you can put a little as few tablespoon's worth in a small cup so that you can easily gargle it instead of taking a sip from the bottle. Be careful not too sip too much as it will expand, foaming and bubbling in your mouth. Gargle for about 30 to 60 seconds, swishing it about so that it reaches every area in your mouth, then spit it out like you would a mouth wash. Because of the foams and bubbles the hydrogen peroxide will reach every part of your teeth, even in between teeth, your mouth will feel very clean after this. You would be able to see a difference after using it for a few days. Remember also to gargle with clean water after spitting out the hydrogen peroxide. Your gum might feel a little tingling, but it will disappear once you are used to gargling with this solution.
If you want, you could also make your own hydrogen peroxide toothpaste. You could use this toothpaste once or twice a week, other than using your normal toothpaste. What you should do is to combine the hydrogen peroxide with some baking soda. Baking soda is readily available either in your cupboard or at any grocery store. To start, mix some hydrogen peroxide with the baking soda and then add some flavored toothpaste so that it tastes better and mix everything together. You can keep this in an airtight container, away from the reach of any small children, as kids tend to swallow their toothpaste and it is not a good idea to do that when you are brushing with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda! Expect to see results in a few weeks.
It is normal for hydrogen peroxide to make your gums uncomfortable, but is these symptoms persist, discontinue using it and consult your dentist. Even if the product is safe, your mouth might not agree with you so make sure that you do not sacrifice healthy teeth for the sake of a whiter smile.