4 Tips to Increase Online Profits for Your Web Business
No matter what business you're promoting online, you are leaving money on the table that could end up in your pocket.
If you listen to the following advice and put it to use.
Far too often, I see people make these critical mistakes, which also cost them credibility in the long run.
By following these simple tips, you can squeeze more value out of your current prospects and increase online profits in your business.
Stop promoting your PRODUCT on social networks - promote value items instead.
Imagine this.
You're at a party.
You're meeting and chatting with your friends new and old.
Suddenly, someone you don't know walks through and announces their company is having a special sale this weekend and we should all check it out now and save some big money.
It's probably not going to work out too well for him, because it's not the right forum for a sales pitch.
Yet that's exactly what people jump on Facebook and twitter and start doing.
A concept i first learned from Perry Marshall comes to mind..
Anyone who buys a drill doesn't really want a drill, they want a hole.
So stop trying to sell them a drill, instead recommend a book about making holes.
When you get it, it's that simple.
Offer an Incentive for people to share YOUR promotions "Get this free" is great, but only goes so far.
How about, get this free, but get "that" free by sharing "this" with 3 friends.
Utilize the power of social networking to build your list, and build their trust and respect, that's where the money is, and you gain it by providing value! Monitor and be proactive about building your brand on social networks Provide engaging conversation with your prospects.
For example, respond to your @replies on Twitter.
Build relationships and provide VALUE through knowledge and resources, which will position you as a leader in your field.
Remember, people do business with people, not faceless companies! That's a key tip to increasing your profits online.
Try to connect people that you interact with to others and build YOUR business network.
Through that, you will attract your target market to you, and with them, their wallets.
Use an SLO to fund your online marketing An SLO or Self-Liquidating-Offer is a low cost, high-volume retail product typically sold as a "how-to" product.
This serves two purposes.
First, it allows you to generate up front capital which can be used to fund advertising campaigns for your primary opportunity, and it also pre-qualifies people for your primary offer.
For example, let's say you are selling a $1,000 item.
Consider leading with a $30-50 item up front (with a perceived value of $100-200), instead of pitching people on your original item.
This can be a video, eBook, or some other item that costs you little to produce but can have a high perceived value to your lead.
Used in combination with Attraction marketing techniques, an SLO can be a powerful strategy to increase online profits.
Check out Magnetic Sponsoring if you would like to learn more about attraction marketing and setting up an SLO.
If you'd like to learn about the system to use for online marketing, click here.
If you implement these techniques in your web campaigns, you'll be well positioned to increase your online profits.
If you listen to the following advice and put it to use.
Far too often, I see people make these critical mistakes, which also cost them credibility in the long run.
By following these simple tips, you can squeeze more value out of your current prospects and increase online profits in your business.
Stop promoting your PRODUCT on social networks - promote value items instead.
Imagine this.
You're at a party.
You're meeting and chatting with your friends new and old.
Suddenly, someone you don't know walks through and announces their company is having a special sale this weekend and we should all check it out now and save some big money.
It's probably not going to work out too well for him, because it's not the right forum for a sales pitch.
Yet that's exactly what people jump on Facebook and twitter and start doing.
A concept i first learned from Perry Marshall comes to mind..
Anyone who buys a drill doesn't really want a drill, they want a hole.
So stop trying to sell them a drill, instead recommend a book about making holes.
When you get it, it's that simple.
Offer an Incentive for people to share YOUR promotions "Get this free" is great, but only goes so far.
How about, get this free, but get "that" free by sharing "this" with 3 friends.
Utilize the power of social networking to build your list, and build their trust and respect, that's where the money is, and you gain it by providing value! Monitor and be proactive about building your brand on social networks Provide engaging conversation with your prospects.
For example, respond to your @replies on Twitter.
Build relationships and provide VALUE through knowledge and resources, which will position you as a leader in your field.
Remember, people do business with people, not faceless companies! That's a key tip to increasing your profits online.
Try to connect people that you interact with to others and build YOUR business network.
Through that, you will attract your target market to you, and with them, their wallets.
Use an SLO to fund your online marketing An SLO or Self-Liquidating-Offer is a low cost, high-volume retail product typically sold as a "how-to" product.
This serves two purposes.
First, it allows you to generate up front capital which can be used to fund advertising campaigns for your primary opportunity, and it also pre-qualifies people for your primary offer.
For example, let's say you are selling a $1,000 item.
Consider leading with a $30-50 item up front (with a perceived value of $100-200), instead of pitching people on your original item.
This can be a video, eBook, or some other item that costs you little to produce but can have a high perceived value to your lead.
Used in combination with Attraction marketing techniques, an SLO can be a powerful strategy to increase online profits.
Check out Magnetic Sponsoring if you would like to learn more about attraction marketing and setting up an SLO.
If you'd like to learn about the system to use for online marketing, click here.
If you implement these techniques in your web campaigns, you'll be well positioned to increase your online profits.