Fun Games to Play at Work
- People are relatively new to a company when they attend orientation, and playing games lets people get to know one another and helps them relax. One fun game to play during orientation is Beach Ball Q&A. Have participants take turns tossing a beach ball to one another. The one who catches it has to answer a series of questions, such as his name, his department, his level of experience and a fun fact (his favorite television show).
Two Truths and a Lie is another engaging game to play with people who are relative strangers. Have participants write down two true facts about themselves and one lie. They then tell their three facts to the group and the group must choose which one is the lie. - Games can be used as ice-breakers in training sessions or as activities to break up long periods of sitting. Try a game like Minefield, where you set up an obstacle course in a large, open area using bean bags as mines. One participant is blindfolded and the others call out instructions to help the blindfolded participant maneuver through the course without stepping on the mines.
- Scavenger hunts can be amusing at work. Before the meeting, walk around and look for items to be hunted. Some ideas are a first kit, a coffee mug, a cardigan sweater or a hole-punch. Be creative when making the list, but make sure all the items can be found relatively close to the game location. Break the group into at least two teams, give each team a list and then set them loose to find the obstacles in a set amount of time. The team who finds the most items in the time frame wins the game.
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