Alcohol Level Limits in California
- According to California law, all drivers consent to have their breath, blood, or under special circumstances, urine tested if they are arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Containers of liquor, beer or wine in a vehicle must be full, sealed and unopened. Containers not following these requirements must be placed in the trunk of the vehicle. The law does not apply to passengers if the vehicle is a bus, taxi, camper or motor home.
- For underage drinkers, a Preliminary Alcohol Screening (PAS) is ordered if the police officer has reason to suspect they are under the influence. If their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) measures 0.01% or higher on the PAS, then the officer may take their license, issue a temporary license for 30 days or order a one-year suspension.
- It is illegal for any person to operate a vehicle with a BAC of 0.08% or higher, if the person is 21 or older. A BAC level of 0.04% or higher is illegal in any vehicle requiring a commercial driver license.
- The DMV is able to take administrative action against driving privileges only after the person has been detained or arrested. This includes suspension, revocation or delay of the license. On the other hand, the courts may require payment, jail time, suspension or revocation of driving privileges and completion of a DUI program.
Admin Per Se
Carrying Alcohol in a Vehicle
Zero Tolerance for Underage Drinking
BAC Levels
DMV and Court