New Age Warfare
One does not need to be Christian to look at the list of Babylonian merchandise in Revelation, Chapter 18, and see the list describes the very economic system of the Old World Order.
Gold, silver, and precious stones top the list of 29 items.
Slaves and the souls of men appear at the bottom.
And so it has been for more than 3000 years.
The significance of the 11 September attack has been missed by most of the West.
This was an attack on the very symbols of Babylon, which do not just happen to be located in the United States.
The U.
has been the stronghold of Babylon for more than a century.
It was discovered in a quest to find new riches to the West.
The first Jamestown colony perished in the search for gold.
Neither slaves nor the souls of men held any value for English kings.
The angel proclaims "Babylon is fallen, is fallen.
" Why the repetition? A one-two punch or the fall of two towers thought ugly and out-of-place when originally constructed? We knew them to be targets for destruction in 1993.
Revelation 18 speaks of smoke and fire.
Coincidence? No such thing.
The fall of symbols (the Pentagon symbolizes the military force behind Old World economic power) does not equate to the fall of Babylon but count the cost to this point and tell me who can sustain it.
If the goal is the fall of Mystery Babylon, I cannot imagine a more powerful beginning.
First we have the billions lost from the attack itself.
Those costs mount daily.
Then we have the costs of the war on terrorism.
How much has been spent on this war since 11 September? How much has been budgeted for this year? Who will bet this year's war will not exceed the budget? We have been told this war will expand until the world is free of evil.
American government has been waging war on drugs and poverty for nearly 40 years.
All of these great wars are fought on credit.
The credit lasts until the people cannot or will not pay the interest on the debt.
Then Babylon falls and the merchants weep.
And what will be the role of New Agers in the coming fall? I call it Holy War.
Not violence in the name of God, but loving our neighbors as though they were the most valuable merchandise in the new economic order.
Let their welfare and comfort be the mission of every holy warrior.
Demonstrate the superiority of love over fear in every contest of power.
From the spiritual perspective, a holy war excludes no one.
We pray for friends, strangers and enemies of every kind.
We meditate.
We bless in our thoughts and deeds.
We strive to be better people than we ever imagined we could be.
On the material plane we seek to be self sufficient as individuals, families, neighborhoods, communities.
We move away from all kinds of grid style distribution systems that will break down with the fall of the Old World Order.
We secure water, food, energy and shelter at the local level.
We generate surplus at every opportunity.
We share and market within our communities and then in outlying areas.
We look at the Lord's Prayer and we see the first item we address is our daily bread.
The idea can be expanded far beyond our food supply to all our material needs and beyond that to all our material desires.
This puts first things first.
There is very little spiritual growth in communities that are poor and hungry.
At the local level and in our very homes we can produce food superior to that produced anywhere in the world and enjoy health superior to any known in the world.
Modern bio dynamic methods such as organic Square Foot Gardening reduce the labor, land, water and fertilizer requirements of food production to one fifth of that required by Old World agriculture and row gardening.
If we all knew this simple fact, most of us would be happy to raise our own food and make the appropriate changes in appetites.
We have all fallen for the old world myth that when we learn to use eating utensils we are feeding ourselves.
When we produce our own food we are feeding ourselves and taking responsibility for our health.
This so increases self esteem and spiritual growth, every child should be able to produce food by the time he or she has learned to read.
Growing food is a basic life skill.
Anybody can do it.
Few bother, preferring their state of utter dependency on others.
Economic strength has its foundation in agriculture.
Agricultural strength has its roots in living soil.
Most of 20th Century agriculture mined the life from the soil and replaced it with chemicals science assured us, were as good as life itself.
Our rich inheritance of land has been spent.
Yet each of us can restore all the land the world requires for life, beginning with our homes and yards.
The Aquarian Age is one of restoration.
We begin where we are and spread the work or move to where the same work brings greater reward.
Dead, plastic food has produced dead, plastic people.
Live, organic food produces live, organic people.
Food production demands a clean, secure water supply.
Rainwater harvesting and storage is ideal for plants as rain is their natural water supply.
People can take steps to assure an adequate and timely supply for plants and personal use.
Neighborhood and private wells provide an alternate supply of water during drought.
When water is split into its gaseous components of oxygen and hydrogen, we have a huge supply of powerful, cheap, clean burning fuel.
The only reason we don't use it now is the power of Old World energy companies keeping it off the market and working to control its distribution.
Just like food, this fuel can be easily and cheaply produced in our homes, motor vehicles and any other place water is available.
Water will appropriately power the Age of Aquarius.
Pure water can be had from simple solar distillers as clean water becomes ever more scarce.
Water is power in the New Age.
New Age politics will be grass roots organized, local, simple, but global in implication and application.
Communism does not work when it is forced on many by few and few there be that choose it.
Democracy works no better because it empowers the disinterested whose votes are for sale or rent.
The best system I know of is the one provided to Moses by his father-in-law, Jethro, after Israel's exodus from Egypt.
Captains of 10, 100, and 1,000 would settle disputes among neighbors.
While Moses' system was patriarchal we can consider a cell of 10 legal adults.
(The Bible implies 20 years as the age of majority) Captains are charged with overseeing the general welfare of the cell.
The captain is chosen or elected as the wisest adult in the cell.
When the decision of a cell captain is challenged by a cell member, it goes to a captain of 100 to decide.
This captain is chosen from among 2 - 10 captains of ten, by those captains.
He or she remains a captain of 10.
If a member of this captain's cell challenges a decision of the captain, it can be appealed to the captain of 1,000 who is chosen from and by the captains of 100.
Cell members meet with their captains on a regular basis.
Captains meet with each other on a regular basis to exchange information and ideas.
Captains are not paid for their services nor can they be forced to serve as captains by the will of the cell membership.
The best person for the job may not want it and a different captain is chosen.
This system eliminates professional politicians, lawyers and assures local autonomy, regardless of the national or global power structures.
Cells can decide whether they want to support Old World systems or withdraw support.
This same style of organization can be easily applied to business and other types of community activities, such as interest based clubs and associations.
We can use cells to define neighborhoods as well.
A town of 5,000 could be divided into 5 neighborhoods.
North, East, South, West and central.
I strongly believe such a simple system eliminates most political problems because it is built locally from the ground up, as a building is.
It is not imposed on people.
Institutional governments of the Old World Order derive their power by defrauding people who come to expect it and accumulating great wealth and credit.
The people all believe it is someone else's responsibility to keep an eye on government.
The folks who then do are largely ignored.
Hence, we surrender our personal liberty and that of future generations to become slaves.
Slaves who live stressfully on less than one quarter of their market value.
Employers pay half the market value and taxation takes half or more of what is left.
When one works for theirself, they can negotiate to receive fair market value and avoid taxes.
In fact, the more self sufficient one is, the less tax is paid.
Financing our own and neighbor's control and repression is foolish.
Living the libertarian life is mostly a matter of cutting the ties to professional providers.
Those of us who have grown up in the Machine Age were trained to be cogs in machines, business and political.
We were taught specialization was the path to success.
We were taught to depend on experts for education, security, health, finance, food, energy, water, homes, cars and just about everything else.
We were taught to be consumers of goods and services.
We can say no to being cogs in a machine, simply by growing our own food and recycling machines that were meant to be disposable, even when labeled as durable.
We can build much better homes than we can buy at small fractions of market prices and invest the savings in production for local or global markets.
The object is to create smooth functioning models for the poor world to model.
Show the results on the World Wide Web and the model becomes global.
If the Biblical ten cell political system that terrorists are now using to great advantage, was implemented by the people in Afghanistan today, the clan warlords would become captains with a very different function.
The national government, whatever form it takes, cannot have undue influence on cells that do not want it.
My point is the ten cell republic is grassroots organization, where people can know and trust their officers and there is little expense of government.
Councils of captains allow the resolution of national issues and treaties with nation states.
If you haven't noticed, the object of New Age Warfare is to simplify life and human relations.
It means examining alternative lifestyles which have been developing over the past 50 years.
It means examining traditional cultures left behind by the machine age.
It means thinking more for ourselves about what we really want and not what salespeople tell us we want.
It only seems impossible until we try it.
It is our many dependencies that keep us chained in fear.
Let's shed these chains.
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