How Can I Get a Longer Than Average Sized Penis? 3 Major Methods That You Shouldn"t Miss at Any Cost
Penis size issues is the second problem among men after the problem of impotence and this makes penis enlargement the second in demand treatment option.
When you go online, you will find a lot of solutions that claim to provide you a bigger, powerful, longer and thicker penis.
However, due to our limited resources, people nowadays will shy away from products that will let them spend more than they can.
This is actually good for you because most of the products do not really give you the guarantee that you need.
1 - Surgery The direct and invasive method for penis enlargement is surgery and is the first option that you might want to look into.
However, let me tell of you of one great disadvantage about surgery and it is related to your health.
It poses a threat to your reproductive health and you must be weary of this method even if how much you wanted to have bigger and longer penis.
Surgery has a very little margin of success.
In addition to this, the possible side effects will likely cause permanent penile dysfunction.
Professionals will claim that any penis erected with length of more than 4 inches can definitely stimulate the erogenous area inside the vagina while those that exceed 8 inches can touch the cervix and may even cause major discomfort during sexual activity.
This is the very reason why few surgeons who perform penis enlargement surgery do not go along with a patient's plan unless you try other common and safe alternatives first.
2 - Visual enlargement Now, I know you must be wondering what this is all about.
If you want to get a bigger than average penis, you must create an illusion that it is and the only way you can do this is to shave the pubic hair located on the base of your penis.
Even if you do not shave, trimming the hair alone can make a difference and it will make your penis appear bigger.
3 - Natural penis enlargement methods If you are not satisfied with the visual enlargement, you might want to try the natural penis enlargement method, which is actually exercises put together in order to produce some permanent effect to increase the size and length of your penis.
The only thing about this method is that it takes time.
This means that it entails patience and determination before you can attain what you desire.
But, your effort and a little sacrifice will pay off if you see that after a matter of time, your penis is definitely going bigger and longer.
There are a lot of exercise regimens that you can try out.
One of them is the "milking technique," which is actually self-explanatory.
Your human body can adapt to these regular exercises and therefore will have influence on the physical attributes of your penis.
When you go online, you will find a lot of solutions that claim to provide you a bigger, powerful, longer and thicker penis.
However, due to our limited resources, people nowadays will shy away from products that will let them spend more than they can.
This is actually good for you because most of the products do not really give you the guarantee that you need.
1 - Surgery The direct and invasive method for penis enlargement is surgery and is the first option that you might want to look into.
However, let me tell of you of one great disadvantage about surgery and it is related to your health.
It poses a threat to your reproductive health and you must be weary of this method even if how much you wanted to have bigger and longer penis.
Surgery has a very little margin of success.
In addition to this, the possible side effects will likely cause permanent penile dysfunction.
Professionals will claim that any penis erected with length of more than 4 inches can definitely stimulate the erogenous area inside the vagina while those that exceed 8 inches can touch the cervix and may even cause major discomfort during sexual activity.
This is the very reason why few surgeons who perform penis enlargement surgery do not go along with a patient's plan unless you try other common and safe alternatives first.
2 - Visual enlargement Now, I know you must be wondering what this is all about.
If you want to get a bigger than average penis, you must create an illusion that it is and the only way you can do this is to shave the pubic hair located on the base of your penis.
Even if you do not shave, trimming the hair alone can make a difference and it will make your penis appear bigger.
3 - Natural penis enlargement methods If you are not satisfied with the visual enlargement, you might want to try the natural penis enlargement method, which is actually exercises put together in order to produce some permanent effect to increase the size and length of your penis.
The only thing about this method is that it takes time.
This means that it entails patience and determination before you can attain what you desire.
But, your effort and a little sacrifice will pay off if you see that after a matter of time, your penis is definitely going bigger and longer.
There are a lot of exercise regimens that you can try out.
One of them is the "milking technique," which is actually self-explanatory.
Your human body can adapt to these regular exercises and therefore will have influence on the physical attributes of your penis.