7 Minute Rotator Cuff Solution Is a Must Read
If you have a cuff problem then this really is a must read.
If you have pain, discomfort or weakness of any kind then I wholeheartedly recommend you get your hands on a copy.
The book was written in 1991 by two highly qualified authors, Joseph Horrigan and Jerry Robinson.
It is a volume that I have used extensively myself and that is the only reason for my recommendation.
The information the book contains, although almost twenty years old, is still highly relevant today.
The book The 7 minute rotator cuff solution is a comprehensive review of rotator cuff repair rehabilitation.
It focuses on providing torn rotator cuff exercises and stretching exercise protocols.
It is a complete rotator cuff solution designed to be used by all.
Perhaps the best feature of the book is the levels at which it is aimed.
There is no question that this book has been written for serious weight trainers.
Not withstanding that, a real attempt has been made to ensure the text is inclusive.
Everyone can learn from and adopt the approaches outlined.
All of the various exercises and stretching routines described in the book are set at defined levels.
There is something for you whether you are a complete novice or an expert around the gym.
You are led by the hand, step by step, through a progressive range of exercises and stretches.
The writing is straightforward and the text set out with easily understood and complimentary diagrams.
Exceptionally, the authors provide a quick reference guide to both the proper and improper approach to performing exercises.
This can deliver a real sense of confidence that the reader is "getting it right".
The authors have even included a hugely enlightening section on "exercises to modify or avoid".
This describes in some detail the commonly performed gym activities that, in reality, encourage injury.
Not content though the authors continue by providing alternatives that are, not only better, but safer.
The 7 minute rotator cuff solution is also considered a teaching manual.
It has been used extensively by students and lecturers at university level.
Despite this the book was primarily written for those with cuff injuries.
The text is simple to understand, well thought out, easily read and stuffed full of fantastic information, tips and hints.