"Jumper Monkey" Game Cheats
- Wait until you jump into a large field (10 or more) of balloons and then jump from a red balloon to a blue balloon, back to a red one and then to a yellow one. This combination of jumps will trigger a temporary jetpack to be created on your monkey, which will propel it high into the sky.
- Normally when you fall, you must restart the game. To avoid this, quickly type out "trampchamp" on your keyboard when you are falling and a trampoline is created under you, bouncing you back to nearly as high as you were when you first started falling.
- The Helium Lungs cheat keeps you slowly moving upward without having to jump on a balloon. Activate it by pressing the following arrow keys: up, up, left, right, left, left and then up.
- Generate a set (3-5) of computer-controlled monkeys that jump with you, earning you extra points, by hopping on a balloon with a monkey's face drawn on it and then quickly typing "monkeysee" on your keyboard.
Jet Pack
Trampoline Fall
Helium Lungs
Many Monkeys