Mocean Worker - Enter the MoWo Rating
The setting is a smoky dark lounge and the people there are dressed to a "T." The men are cool and the women are hot, The music is like Neo Soul and Jazz with hints of D&B and that's what Mocean Worker gives you, so "Enter The Mowo." It's an ever-increasing number of projects that have taken original recordings and injected new life into them by remixing and reproducing them with new sounds, drops and cool dubs.
The release is being called Jazzy Drum & Bass and is in the mind of Adam Dorn who studied at Berklee Collage of Music in Boston. His father Joel Dorn, the famous record producer, must be very proud of Adam's accomplishment, especially when the peeps in the joint seem to get carried away by the natural and sometimes funky grooves. This is a CD for any club which has an after-work crowd, for people looking for an afterhours joint, or just entertaining friends in the home. There are many tempos of music on this CD but it keeps in the line of jazz rhythms and chill grooves, making it a versatile collection that features Nina Simone, Les McCaan, David "Fat Head" Newman and many other jazz greats. Check it out!