How To Cure Yeast Infection In Men And Save Your Relationship
Men who have a yeast infection need to be careful. Why? Well, often, they don't know they even have an infection, because the symptoms take time to show in men, or, they don't recognise the symptoms when they do show.
The outcome is that they can pass the yeast infection back and forth between themselves and their partner. This can put a huge strain on any relationship, and many partnerships have broken up because of it. You need to guard against this happening to you.
Firstly, what are the symptoms of yeast infection in men?
The symptoms of male infection are things like; chronic penile itching, inflammation, redness, pain when urinating, dry scaly skin, and difficulty having intercourse. You might also have a discharge that may smell a bit. Of course, these may be the signs of other things, so you should always consult your doctor as soon as possible.
So, what's the cause of yeast infection in men?
The cause in both men and women is the Candida albicans yeast-like flora that resides in our bodies quite naturally. Luckily for us, our bodies' friendly bacteria help to keep it in check and so prevent the flora growing and spreading.
But, sometimes our good bacteria can be affected to the extent that they cannot do their job effectively enough. When this happens there's nothing to prevent the Candida albicans 'overgrowing' into a full-blown infection, causing the symptoms described above.
The problem with the infection in men is that the symptoms can take some time to appear. This is bad, because a Candida infection -- although it cannot be caused by intercourse -- can be transferred by it. And it can be continuously passed back and forth, making it difficult to eradicate.
So, at the first signs in either partner, you should cease intercourse immediately. Next you need to do all you can to cure the infection as quickly as possible...
Mainstream treatment normally consists of over-the-counter or prescribed drug-based medication like creams, gels and sprays, etc. And these can be effective for many people, but not all, because of some nasty side effects. And a lot depends on how deep-seated the yeast infection is.
Another problem with the drug approach is that the drugs just address the symptoms, not the underlying issues that help trigger yeast infections. These are things like diet, antibiotics, steroids, stress, low immune system, drug habit, etc. These can impact the ability of your good bacteria to contain the Candida albicans.
So this gives rise to a situation where the symptoms go away, only to return again and again. Therefore the constant use of drugs means that the Candida albicans can build-up a resistance to the drugs.
The reasons above are why yeast infection sufferers, men and women alike, are increasingly turning to totally natural remedies to cure their yeast infections. There are very many natural ways to help cure a yeast infection; too many to go into here, I'm afraid.
The outcome is that they can pass the yeast infection back and forth between themselves and their partner. This can put a huge strain on any relationship, and many partnerships have broken up because of it. You need to guard against this happening to you.
Firstly, what are the symptoms of yeast infection in men?
The symptoms of male infection are things like; chronic penile itching, inflammation, redness, pain when urinating, dry scaly skin, and difficulty having intercourse. You might also have a discharge that may smell a bit. Of course, these may be the signs of other things, so you should always consult your doctor as soon as possible.
So, what's the cause of yeast infection in men?
The cause in both men and women is the Candida albicans yeast-like flora that resides in our bodies quite naturally. Luckily for us, our bodies' friendly bacteria help to keep it in check and so prevent the flora growing and spreading.
But, sometimes our good bacteria can be affected to the extent that they cannot do their job effectively enough. When this happens there's nothing to prevent the Candida albicans 'overgrowing' into a full-blown infection, causing the symptoms described above.
The problem with the infection in men is that the symptoms can take some time to appear. This is bad, because a Candida infection -- although it cannot be caused by intercourse -- can be transferred by it. And it can be continuously passed back and forth, making it difficult to eradicate.
So, at the first signs in either partner, you should cease intercourse immediately. Next you need to do all you can to cure the infection as quickly as possible...
Mainstream treatment normally consists of over-the-counter or prescribed drug-based medication like creams, gels and sprays, etc. And these can be effective for many people, but not all, because of some nasty side effects. And a lot depends on how deep-seated the yeast infection is.
Another problem with the drug approach is that the drugs just address the symptoms, not the underlying issues that help trigger yeast infections. These are things like diet, antibiotics, steroids, stress, low immune system, drug habit, etc. These can impact the ability of your good bacteria to contain the Candida albicans.
So this gives rise to a situation where the symptoms go away, only to return again and again. Therefore the constant use of drugs means that the Candida albicans can build-up a resistance to the drugs.
The reasons above are why yeast infection sufferers, men and women alike, are increasingly turning to totally natural remedies to cure their yeast infections. There are very many natural ways to help cure a yeast infection; too many to go into here, I'm afraid.