Dental Bridge Procedure
Missing teeth can prove problematic with chewing, teeth movement, periodontal disease, speech difficulties, an increase in tooth decay and also a difference in appearance. When a problem such as this occurs dental bridges can be fixed into a person's mouth that can help to improve these complications. Dental bridges are similar to dentures or implant only they are set into place within the mouth and cannot be removed, there are several types of dental bridges and these are cantilever, resin bonded and fixed bridges.
To ascertain whether a dental bridge procedure and treatment needs to be done, a dentist will assess a person's mouth and talk to them about the best course of action. If the person agrees to the procedure then the dentist will advise them on the materials that can be used by the dental laboratory for the restoration process. The materials used will also depend on which part of the mouth that needs the procedure, whether teeth grinding is done, whether dental insurance can cover the procedure, and any other underlying factors that the dentist will address. Impressions, preoperative photographs and x rays will be done before the process starts to determine which area will need the dental bridge and treatment procedure.
After the procedure has been completed your dentist should then provide you will all necessary information to help keep your teeth and mouth hygiene healthy, as well as to maintain the longevity and performance of the restoration. Bridge floss can also be purchased to help maintain cleanliness between the teeth. The dentist may also ask you to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to help with your oral health.
The cost of the dental bridge and treatment will depend on many factors such as the need for additional procedures which may include root canals and fillings in 1 or more of the adjoining teeth, as well as the technique used by the lab technician and dentist, and the location of where the dentist is situated. Other costs may also include whether your dental insurance covers this procedure, the materials that are used for the procedure, and any preparation of the teeth which may be involved in the bridge procedure.
Dental bridge and treatment procedures can range up to $3000 per tooth based on the previous factors with costing. Although if dental hygiene is enforced with regular dental visits your bridges can last for many years after the procedure is completed.
To ascertain whether a dental bridge procedure and treatment needs to be done, a dentist will assess a person's mouth and talk to them about the best course of action. If the person agrees to the procedure then the dentist will advise them on the materials that can be used by the dental laboratory for the restoration process. The materials used will also depend on which part of the mouth that needs the procedure, whether teeth grinding is done, whether dental insurance can cover the procedure, and any other underlying factors that the dentist will address. Impressions, preoperative photographs and x rays will be done before the process starts to determine which area will need the dental bridge and treatment procedure.
After the procedure has been completed your dentist should then provide you will all necessary information to help keep your teeth and mouth hygiene healthy, as well as to maintain the longevity and performance of the restoration. Bridge floss can also be purchased to help maintain cleanliness between the teeth. The dentist may also ask you to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to help with your oral health.
The cost of the dental bridge and treatment will depend on many factors such as the need for additional procedures which may include root canals and fillings in 1 or more of the adjoining teeth, as well as the technique used by the lab technician and dentist, and the location of where the dentist is situated. Other costs may also include whether your dental insurance covers this procedure, the materials that are used for the procedure, and any preparation of the teeth which may be involved in the bridge procedure.
Dental bridge and treatment procedures can range up to $3000 per tooth based on the previous factors with costing. Although if dental hygiene is enforced with regular dental visits your bridges can last for many years after the procedure is completed.