Websites Marketing - An Introduction to Who, What, When, Where, and How of Marketing Websites
Who Who is your target audience is the very first question you should be asking yourself before you even consider setting out with an online - or any - business venture.
You need to qualify to whom you will be marketing, and research it well, because whichever niche you choose, you must also be sure that there are going to be enough interested people to make it worth your while.
Demographics are critical...
it's no good going to a niche where there are millions of interested people, but none of them are prepared to invest in your information or products.
The tick is then, to operate your business in term of where the buyers are, and you have to do that through research.
For example whatever your niche is, check to see if there is interest (statistics) for that niche in places like Amazon, eBay, auction sites, and similar big hitters like those.
What Again, you can venture into the websites of the big website sales platforms, and run checks for things like popularity, best-selling, customer reviews and so on.
Another place is ClickBank.
com, which is specifically aimed at the affiliate market place in terms of product owners, and those who wish to sell the products that the owners create, but don't want the hassle of creating their own products.
Play around with the criteria as I suggested above; best-selling, most popular, gravity, and so on.
When There is no one-size-fits-all time to market online.
It's a 24/7 operation that happens with no regards for time, so the "when" is all day, every day, 365 days a year.
The caveat to that is that there are niches that are seasonal, and ones that are evergreen, and only you - and your teacher or coach - will know into which one your niche fits.
Where The internet has provided you with a plethora of opportunity in which you can get a wide array of exposure for your business: • Article directories; write, submit, and get syndicated for every article you write.
(free) • Forums; there's usually at least one for every niche (free) • Blogs; your own and those belonging to other experts in your niche (free) • Email; build a list of subscriber with who you can then build trusting relationship, prior to introducing them to your range of informative, helpful product range.
(free) • Solo advertising; Joint venturing with other experts in your niche to gain further exposure (paid) • Banner advertising on hour as and third party sites.
How How do you go about marketing and/or making an income online? There are two angles for answering this.
The first one is that it's a complete myth that earning online is any different from earning or building a business off line; it's just a different approach, that's all.
The second is that you have to be prepared to invest at some money somewhere along the line; sure, there are free ways to market your website as I've outlined above, but ultimately, you need to invest in naming, hosting, and yes, some good guidance, for your goals.
There is good reason to invest in a coach; they can direct you through the maze in a way that's most efficient for your desires.
Now, you may even find that it's going to take a couple of "tries" to find the mentor that best fits with your character, and this is something you should be prepared to accommodate in your journey to creating a successful website marketing business.
You need to qualify to whom you will be marketing, and research it well, because whichever niche you choose, you must also be sure that there are going to be enough interested people to make it worth your while.
Demographics are critical...
it's no good going to a niche where there are millions of interested people, but none of them are prepared to invest in your information or products.
The tick is then, to operate your business in term of where the buyers are, and you have to do that through research.
For example whatever your niche is, check to see if there is interest (statistics) for that niche in places like Amazon, eBay, auction sites, and similar big hitters like those.
What Again, you can venture into the websites of the big website sales platforms, and run checks for things like popularity, best-selling, customer reviews and so on.
Another place is ClickBank.
com, which is specifically aimed at the affiliate market place in terms of product owners, and those who wish to sell the products that the owners create, but don't want the hassle of creating their own products.
Play around with the criteria as I suggested above; best-selling, most popular, gravity, and so on.
When There is no one-size-fits-all time to market online.
It's a 24/7 operation that happens with no regards for time, so the "when" is all day, every day, 365 days a year.
The caveat to that is that there are niches that are seasonal, and ones that are evergreen, and only you - and your teacher or coach - will know into which one your niche fits.
Where The internet has provided you with a plethora of opportunity in which you can get a wide array of exposure for your business: • Article directories; write, submit, and get syndicated for every article you write.
(free) • Forums; there's usually at least one for every niche (free) • Blogs; your own and those belonging to other experts in your niche (free) • Email; build a list of subscriber with who you can then build trusting relationship, prior to introducing them to your range of informative, helpful product range.
(free) • Solo advertising; Joint venturing with other experts in your niche to gain further exposure (paid) • Banner advertising on hour as and third party sites.
How How do you go about marketing and/or making an income online? There are two angles for answering this.
The first one is that it's a complete myth that earning online is any different from earning or building a business off line; it's just a different approach, that's all.
The second is that you have to be prepared to invest at some money somewhere along the line; sure, there are free ways to market your website as I've outlined above, but ultimately, you need to invest in naming, hosting, and yes, some good guidance, for your goals.
There is good reason to invest in a coach; they can direct you through the maze in a way that's most efficient for your desires.
Now, you may even find that it's going to take a couple of "tries" to find the mentor that best fits with your character, and this is something you should be prepared to accommodate in your journey to creating a successful website marketing business.