My Fridge Freezes Up
- Most refrigerators contain two temperature dials. One dial controls the temperature for the refrigerated side, while the other controls the freezer setting. Most food should be kept in temperatures ranging between 36 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit. This setting will keep food fresh without freezing it. Most temperature dials do not require the use of tools to adjust them. Instead, move the dial by hand to the appropriate range. Check the condition of food every six hours or so to see whether foods such as lettuce and milk are freezing. If so, gradually increase the dial setting to raise the temperature.
- In some cases, the refrigerator dial will not contain specific temperatures but rather a range such as "A, B, C" or "1, 2, 3." The middle setting is typically enough to get food into the proper storage temperature. But to be sure that your settings are on target, it's a good idea to purchase a thermometer for placement inside the refrigerator. A thermometer will provide an accurate reading of the temperature inside the appliance. Check the thermometer after it sits in the fridge overnight for the most accurate reading.
- Some older models of refrigerators have a hole between the freezer and the refrigerator sides. This hole draws air from the freezer into the fridge and provides the cooling mechanism. When food is placed near this hole, it is more likely to freeze. It's important to keep items such as lettuce, milk and other vegetables away from the hole. Instead, store fresh fruits and veggies inside a crisper drawer or on the bottom shelf of the unit.
- As a general rule, it's better to have your refrigerator set too cold than too warm. That's because Incorrect storage of food can lead to food poisoning or spoilage. So-called high-risk foods, such as beef, chicken and pork, should be stored below 5 degrees Celsius or above 60 degrees Celsius. This is to prevent food from being stored in the temperature zone in which bacteria can grow and multiply rapidly. Raw food also should be stored away from cooked food to prevent cross-contamination.
Temperature Settings
Refining Temperature Settings
Food Placement
Refrigerator Safety