Improve Web Site Traffic - 5 Free Ways How To Increase Traffic On Your Website
If you are lacking visitors and want to improve web site traffic, the first thing you will need to do is look at your web statistics, usually found in the dashboard area of your site and record how many visits you are currently getting.
If it's a fairly new site, this can be as few as less than 10 visits per day, but as your site gets more established, you should start to see this creep up into the hundreds, if not thousands.
The point here, is that you record your starting point, so that you'll be able to track your progress as you start to implement the tips in this article to help you get to where you need to be.
Let's say you are currently getting 50 visits per day and you'd like a new daily visit target to grow by 50% to 75 visitors per day.
This may seem a big amount in one go, but it's a target to aim for and one that you can easily gauge.
So we currently have an average daily visit number of 50 visitors and we have set our first goal to improve our web site traffic and aim for 75 visitors per day.
Although we are using this set of numbers at the moment, the same technique can be used, regardless of your current visitor numbers.
OK, next we'll take a look at how we can start to see this number increase using free traffic methods.
Email Signatures This one is so simple to implement, yet so many people overlook it.
Most email software programmes have the ability to add a signature line at the end of every email you send.
Placing a one line introduction about your website, along with the web address makes sense to include in every email you send.
Even if your email programme does not have this facility, it's easy to either type at the end of every email, or have it saved as a.
txt document on your desktop, which you easily open and copy and paste it into your email.
Article Marketing There are many article directories on the internet that will accept articles based on your knowledge and expertise.
No-one knows your business better than you, so why not put an article together for each of the article sites online, to explain in detail how a certain idea works and what resources they could use from your company, with a resource box at the end of your article to explain your expertise.
Enter 'Submit Article' into Google to get a list of sites, including EzineArticles, where you can submit your articles for inclusion on their site.
One word of warning here though, don't submit the same article without changing it, as this is one sure way you'll get rejected.
Blog Posting This traffic generation method can be used in one of two ways.
You can either visit other blogs in your niche and post a comment, with a friendly link back to your site.
Alternatively set up your own free blog using sites like blogger.
com or WordPress.
com and set up your own little niche blog, based around your niche, where you give useful information with links pointing back to your main website.
Forum Posting This way to improve web site traffic is similar to Blog Posting.
Again if you visit Google.
com and enter (Your Niche) plus the word 'Forum' you should be able to find a number of forums you can visit.
This is a great way to get an insight into your industry, as there are always plenty of discussions going on about various subjects in your niche.
First off, start interacting on the forum, without posting any of your links, otherwise you may be seen as a spammer, which is not what you want.
After about 15-20 postings on the forum(s) of your choice, you will then be able to add a signature (similar to the one we discussed in email signatures above).
This will then be automatically added with a back-link, back to your site and will also be a way to introduce your company or website to many who would not have otherwise discovered it.
Social Media With social media sites like Twitter and Facebook about, having millions of members who use their services daily, this one is almost a logical path to use, to get more website visits.
When you add new products to your site, have an upcoming event, holding a sale or just want to offer a promotional discount code to your followers, social media should definitely be something that you use on a weekly if not daily basis.
Start implementing the above free traffic generation methods for your site, monitor your results and once you've reached your goal, then set a new one and start the process over again.
Wishing you lots more free traffic to your website!
If it's a fairly new site, this can be as few as less than 10 visits per day, but as your site gets more established, you should start to see this creep up into the hundreds, if not thousands.
The point here, is that you record your starting point, so that you'll be able to track your progress as you start to implement the tips in this article to help you get to where you need to be.
Let's say you are currently getting 50 visits per day and you'd like a new daily visit target to grow by 50% to 75 visitors per day.
This may seem a big amount in one go, but it's a target to aim for and one that you can easily gauge.
So we currently have an average daily visit number of 50 visitors and we have set our first goal to improve our web site traffic and aim for 75 visitors per day.
Although we are using this set of numbers at the moment, the same technique can be used, regardless of your current visitor numbers.
OK, next we'll take a look at how we can start to see this number increase using free traffic methods.
Email Signatures This one is so simple to implement, yet so many people overlook it.
Most email software programmes have the ability to add a signature line at the end of every email you send.
Placing a one line introduction about your website, along with the web address makes sense to include in every email you send.
Even if your email programme does not have this facility, it's easy to either type at the end of every email, or have it saved as a.
txt document on your desktop, which you easily open and copy and paste it into your email.
Article Marketing There are many article directories on the internet that will accept articles based on your knowledge and expertise.
No-one knows your business better than you, so why not put an article together for each of the article sites online, to explain in detail how a certain idea works and what resources they could use from your company, with a resource box at the end of your article to explain your expertise.
Enter 'Submit Article' into Google to get a list of sites, including EzineArticles, where you can submit your articles for inclusion on their site.
One word of warning here though, don't submit the same article without changing it, as this is one sure way you'll get rejected.
Blog Posting This traffic generation method can be used in one of two ways.
You can either visit other blogs in your niche and post a comment, with a friendly link back to your site.
Alternatively set up your own free blog using sites like blogger.
com or WordPress.
com and set up your own little niche blog, based around your niche, where you give useful information with links pointing back to your main website.
Forum Posting This way to improve web site traffic is similar to Blog Posting.
Again if you visit Google.
com and enter (Your Niche) plus the word 'Forum' you should be able to find a number of forums you can visit.
This is a great way to get an insight into your industry, as there are always plenty of discussions going on about various subjects in your niche.
First off, start interacting on the forum, without posting any of your links, otherwise you may be seen as a spammer, which is not what you want.
After about 15-20 postings on the forum(s) of your choice, you will then be able to add a signature (similar to the one we discussed in email signatures above).
This will then be automatically added with a back-link, back to your site and will also be a way to introduce your company or website to many who would not have otherwise discovered it.
Social Media With social media sites like Twitter and Facebook about, having millions of members who use their services daily, this one is almost a logical path to use, to get more website visits.
When you add new products to your site, have an upcoming event, holding a sale or just want to offer a promotional discount code to your followers, social media should definitely be something that you use on a weekly if not daily basis.
Start implementing the above free traffic generation methods for your site, monitor your results and once you've reached your goal, then set a new one and start the process over again.
Wishing you lots more free traffic to your website!