7 Options For An Acne Cure
Acne Cure Treatments
Acne can play havoc with your self confidence and ruin your social life at work and at play. Luckily, there are many very effective treatment options out on the market to choose from. Below are seven of those options to look at before pulling the buying trigger. Each one will have a slightly different approach to curing acne and it's your job to find the one that is right for you. Please note that the listing here is random.
1. Benzoyle Peroxide
You will find this ingredient in most commercial products on the market today as this is one of the most effective ingredients you can find to fight acne. It works by killing the bacteria on your face and in your pores that are known to cause acne breakouts.
2. Accutane
Accutane is a very powerful drug that is capable of bringing to an end the worst kinds of acne. This drug is intended for those with severe cases of acne only. A physician consultation and prescription are required to use this option because the drug can be very dangerous and does have side effects that you need to know about before starting the treatment.
3. Clear Pores
Considered to be on of the best products on the market, Clear Pores works by killing the P. acnes bacteria on your face and in your pores. It also works by removing dead skin cells that build up in your pores which reduces excessive oil buildup which in turn will drastically reduce the amount of acne you see.
4. Exposed
The manufacturer of this product is so confident that you will get good results that they offer 365 day guarantee. This product works by also attacking the P. acnes bacteria and regulating the amount of sebum that is produced by the gland. By unclogging your pores and regulating the amount of oil your skin produces makes this one of the best rated products on the market.
5. Acnezine
Acnezine works by introducing anti oxidants into the body that works to flush out harmful toxins that help to promote acne over time. This treatment is popular because it works to prevent future acne breakout while also treating current acne. There are several effective ingredients that let this product be so successful.
6. Proactiv
Having numerous celebrity endorsers of their product creates an image that this is the best acne cure out there and also making it the most well known. It does do a very good job at treating an acne condition by using a 3 step method of using a cleanser, toner and finally a repairing lotion.
7. Laser Treatment
The final option here is if you are having no results at all with any product. This treatment is for very severe cases only. It works by targeting the acne infected areas with laser light impulses. After the treatment you will see some light swelling and redness which will go away. You can usually see some results in about a week's time.
Acne can play havoc with your self confidence and ruin your social life at work and at play. Luckily, there are many very effective treatment options out on the market to choose from. Below are seven of those options to look at before pulling the buying trigger. Each one will have a slightly different approach to curing acne and it's your job to find the one that is right for you. Please note that the listing here is random.
1. Benzoyle Peroxide
You will find this ingredient in most commercial products on the market today as this is one of the most effective ingredients you can find to fight acne. It works by killing the bacteria on your face and in your pores that are known to cause acne breakouts.
2. Accutane
Accutane is a very powerful drug that is capable of bringing to an end the worst kinds of acne. This drug is intended for those with severe cases of acne only. A physician consultation and prescription are required to use this option because the drug can be very dangerous and does have side effects that you need to know about before starting the treatment.
3. Clear Pores
Considered to be on of the best products on the market, Clear Pores works by killing the P. acnes bacteria on your face and in your pores. It also works by removing dead skin cells that build up in your pores which reduces excessive oil buildup which in turn will drastically reduce the amount of acne you see.
4. Exposed
The manufacturer of this product is so confident that you will get good results that they offer 365 day guarantee. This product works by also attacking the P. acnes bacteria and regulating the amount of sebum that is produced by the gland. By unclogging your pores and regulating the amount of oil your skin produces makes this one of the best rated products on the market.
5. Acnezine
Acnezine works by introducing anti oxidants into the body that works to flush out harmful toxins that help to promote acne over time. This treatment is popular because it works to prevent future acne breakout while also treating current acne. There are several effective ingredients that let this product be so successful.
6. Proactiv
Having numerous celebrity endorsers of their product creates an image that this is the best acne cure out there and also making it the most well known. It does do a very good job at treating an acne condition by using a 3 step method of using a cleanser, toner and finally a repairing lotion.
7. Laser Treatment
The final option here is if you are having no results at all with any product. This treatment is for very severe cases only. It works by targeting the acne infected areas with laser light impulses. After the treatment you will see some light swelling and redness which will go away. You can usually see some results in about a week's time.