Grooved Golf Swing Series - Critical Advice About Feet & Weight Distribution During The Golf Swing
In this article I am going to progress from stance to hitting the ball and then to the follow through, and show how weight distribution happens automatically when you adopt the movement of the chest and upper limbs as one to make your swing.
At address, be totally relaxed.
So relaxed that you relax right down into your groin.
So relaxed in fact that if you had a full bladder you would have an accident.
Only then should you start your swing.
Try to maintain this relaxed state during the whole swing.
Have your weight evenly divided between both feet.
Make sure your feet are only as wide as your shoulders at maximum.
If they are too far apart they will hamper your swing a bit.
Experiment with wider and narrower stances to see what I mean.
Then pick the one that feels most comfortable to you.
Something that is perhaps not known by everyone is that the weight must be on the inside of both feet at address.
You achieve this by pushing your feet towards each other.
So it would be more accurate to say that the pressure and not the weight should be on the inside of both feet.
Stand up now and with feet apart, push your feet towards each other.
You will find the weight localizes on the inside of the feet, and there is a great feeling of firmness in your stance.
This helps greatly in preventing body sway and keeping your head behind the ball at impact.
Have your weight a little forward towards the balls of your feet.
Further to what I said in my last article, the weight is held on the inside of both feet as you turn your chest to take your arms to the top of your swing.
Don't lift your left heel as this detracts from the firmness and allows some sort of sloppiness to creep into the swing.
Lifting your left heel destroys everything you are trying to do.
You lose the feeling of weight on the inside of your left foot and your down swing will be sabotaged too as you will see below.
At the top of your swing, just stop for a moment.
You will find that most of your weight had moved onto the inside of your right foot without conscious thought from you.
Note you are still pushing your feet towards each other.
You still feel firm and in good control of the swing.
There is perhaps 10 to 20 per cent of your weight still on the inside of your left foot at the top of your back swing.
The transfer of weight to the right allows the body to remain centred and the hip turn which is necessary to allow your chest carrying the arms to turn to maximum.
All this happens without conscious thought, automatically.
There is certainly no sway.
Your head remains nice and still and behind the ball.
Similarly, things happen automatically on the down swing.
Just turn your chest to bring the arms down, hitting slightly out and away from yourself, (in to out swing).
You will find that your weight now transfers to the inside of your left foot.
Just before impact your weight should have shifted so much that you will feel the major part of it on the inside of your left foot.
Your weight moves onto the inside of your left foot as you go through the ball with no conscious thought from you.
Maintain your weight on the inside of your left foot until your club head has travelled through the ball for about two feet.
You have not lifted your right heel yet.
And this is what I meant in my last article when I said you do not move either heel to hit the ball.
The important point here is that if you do move your weight to the outside of the left foot before this, all sorts of horrible things happen.
Firstly, it causes you to sway to the left.
This causes you to move out beyond the ball before or as you hit it and you will hook well to the left.
This is a major cause of hooking off the tee with the driver.
Adopting the above technique will overcome your tendency to hit your drives to the left.
Also your long irons, and even your wedges if you move your body to the left with every club.
So a simple thing like weight distribution can overcome a bevy of errors like hitting fat, thin, topping and improve your game out of sight.
You will probably find you will keep your head down more as moving in front of the ball causes you to look up.
Now once you are a couple of feet through the ball, your weight will move automatically onto the outside of your left foot, and the club goes on to the top of the follow through.
When you are a couple of feet through the ball, turn your right hand over your left by turning your wrists in an anticlockwise direction, and continue to the top of your follow through by raising your right heel so that only the toe of your shoe is on the ground and you are facing the target.
I hope this helps you.
By adopting what I have said in this article, you can improve your game beyond belief.
I hope this happens to you.
At address, be totally relaxed.
So relaxed that you relax right down into your groin.
So relaxed in fact that if you had a full bladder you would have an accident.
Only then should you start your swing.
Try to maintain this relaxed state during the whole swing.
Have your weight evenly divided between both feet.
Make sure your feet are only as wide as your shoulders at maximum.
If they are too far apart they will hamper your swing a bit.
Experiment with wider and narrower stances to see what I mean.
Then pick the one that feels most comfortable to you.
Something that is perhaps not known by everyone is that the weight must be on the inside of both feet at address.
You achieve this by pushing your feet towards each other.
So it would be more accurate to say that the pressure and not the weight should be on the inside of both feet.
Stand up now and with feet apart, push your feet towards each other.
You will find the weight localizes on the inside of the feet, and there is a great feeling of firmness in your stance.
This helps greatly in preventing body sway and keeping your head behind the ball at impact.
Have your weight a little forward towards the balls of your feet.
Further to what I said in my last article, the weight is held on the inside of both feet as you turn your chest to take your arms to the top of your swing.
Don't lift your left heel as this detracts from the firmness and allows some sort of sloppiness to creep into the swing.
Lifting your left heel destroys everything you are trying to do.
You lose the feeling of weight on the inside of your left foot and your down swing will be sabotaged too as you will see below.
At the top of your swing, just stop for a moment.
You will find that most of your weight had moved onto the inside of your right foot without conscious thought from you.
Note you are still pushing your feet towards each other.
You still feel firm and in good control of the swing.
There is perhaps 10 to 20 per cent of your weight still on the inside of your left foot at the top of your back swing.
The transfer of weight to the right allows the body to remain centred and the hip turn which is necessary to allow your chest carrying the arms to turn to maximum.
All this happens without conscious thought, automatically.
There is certainly no sway.
Your head remains nice and still and behind the ball.
Similarly, things happen automatically on the down swing.
Just turn your chest to bring the arms down, hitting slightly out and away from yourself, (in to out swing).
You will find that your weight now transfers to the inside of your left foot.
Just before impact your weight should have shifted so much that you will feel the major part of it on the inside of your left foot.
Your weight moves onto the inside of your left foot as you go through the ball with no conscious thought from you.
Maintain your weight on the inside of your left foot until your club head has travelled through the ball for about two feet.
You have not lifted your right heel yet.
And this is what I meant in my last article when I said you do not move either heel to hit the ball.
The important point here is that if you do move your weight to the outside of the left foot before this, all sorts of horrible things happen.
Firstly, it causes you to sway to the left.
This causes you to move out beyond the ball before or as you hit it and you will hook well to the left.
This is a major cause of hooking off the tee with the driver.
Adopting the above technique will overcome your tendency to hit your drives to the left.
Also your long irons, and even your wedges if you move your body to the left with every club.
So a simple thing like weight distribution can overcome a bevy of errors like hitting fat, thin, topping and improve your game out of sight.
You will probably find you will keep your head down more as moving in front of the ball causes you to look up.
Now once you are a couple of feet through the ball, your weight will move automatically onto the outside of your left foot, and the club goes on to the top of the follow through.
When you are a couple of feet through the ball, turn your right hand over your left by turning your wrists in an anticlockwise direction, and continue to the top of your follow through by raising your right heel so that only the toe of your shoe is on the ground and you are facing the target.
I hope this helps you.
By adopting what I have said in this article, you can improve your game beyond belief.
I hope this happens to you.