IATA annual meeting highlights industry victories, challenges
The 70th annual general meeting of the International Air Transport Association -- the trade group that represents the world's airlines -- in Doha, Qatar, also coincided with the 100th anniversary of the first paid flight. That first flight, said IATA Director General Tony Tyler, was 23 minutes, between Tampa Bay and St. Petersburg, Fla., on Jan. 1, 1914.
One hundred years later, the arline industry is expected to carry 3.3 billion passengers and 52 tons of cargo over 50,000 routes and 100,000 flights a day, said Tyler.
"Today, aviation is the life blood of the global economy. The industry supports over 58 million jobs and $2.4 trillion in annual economic activity," he said. "Flying brings people together—families, friends and business colleagues. It gives people the freedom to be almost anywhere in just 24 hours. And it has turned our wonderfully big planet into a wonderfully small world of enormous and wonderful opportunities."
But the industry also faces challenges. "The loss of [Malaysia Airlines] MH370 points us to an immediate need. A large commercial airliner going missing without a trace for so long is unprecedented in modern aviation. And it must not happen again," said Tyler. "IATA, the [International Civil Aviation Organization] and experts from around the world are working together to agree on the best options to improve global tracking capabilities. In September, a draft of recommendations will be given to ICAO." Tyler was unable to say what the effort would cost or who would pay for it.
Another challenge is aviation security. "Airlines help fund global aviation security with taxes and fees costing $8.55 billion a year. Not all of this is even spent on aviation security. And passengers still say that security remains their biggest travel hassle," said Tyler. "Inconsistencies across jurisdictions defy understanding. The focus on prohibited objects sees law-abiding passengers treated with criminal suspicion. There is waste and inefficiency. We must do a better job."
IATA is partnering with the Airports Council International (ACI) and others to change this, said Tyler. "The goal of our Smart Security program is to improve effectiveness, efficiency and the passenger experience," he said. "Governments have the ultimate responsibility for security. Some are embracing the risk-based approach of Smart Security with`known traveler' programs. But, with a few exceptions, these and e-gate border programs are not linked.
Tyler said efficient infrastructure and technology will do much to improve the customer experience. "Technology is changing our processes. For example, by year-end over a quarter of travelers will have access to the full suite of IATA Fast Travel self-service options. Our customers now take this for granted. In fact they want more," he said. Fast Travel offers a uniform experience for passengers in six areas: document scanning; bags ready-to-go; flight re-booking; self-boarding; bag recovery; and check-in.
A century later, aviation is powering economies and lifting the human spirit, said Tyler. "We have broken the bounds of speed and distance with ubiquitous global mobility. This very day, 100,000 flights will take nine million people to somewhere that they want to go…to do something that they want to do," he said. "Aviation’s greatest contribution is the freedom it gives people to follow their dreams and change their lives. In 100 years we have turned our enormous planet into a small world. In doing so, we have created a very big future for us all."