Background Checks - Why You Need Them
No matter what way you look at things, there's no denying that today's world is a dangerous one, fraught with all sorts of opportunities to fall in harm's way.
For the most part, the danger is manageable.
Most people avoid becoming the victims of violent crime through a combination of street smarts, awareness, intelligence, or simply the good luck to be at the right place at the right time.
However, as our society becomes more advanced, so do the dangers that increased technology presents.
Crimes such as identity theft, embezzlement, rapes and kidnappings, fraud, and child pornography are on the rise with criminals using technology to aid in targeting victims and executing both violent and non-violent crimes against others.
Part of the reason it's becoming more difficult to steer clear of dangerous individuals is that it's harder to pinpoint a criminal, whether it's the receptionist in your office, the new tenant in your apartment building, or the president of your child's PTA.
Along with advances in technology, however, has come a greater demand for access to information.
As the times change, people now have the technology to learn more about the strangers they encounter, and have the ability to run a thorough background check on prospective employees, renters, contractors, or child care workers.
In the past, it was common for people to become victims of crime at the hands of those willingly let inside that person's home, business, or personal life.
Even today, statistics show that 7 of every 10 crimes are committed by someone the victim is acquainted with; a friend, family member, co-worker, employee, tenant, or even a significant other.
Knowing that, it becomes more important to stay on your guard not only around strangers, but when it comes to those you encounter on a daily basis.
The information provided by background checks can often be a first step in helping you sleep better at night, knowing that the people you allow into your life are who they claim to be, and don't have an inappropriate criminal history.
Armed with basics such as a criminal and credit history, it becomes easier to make choices between applicants, relying not only on your intuition, but having some facts at your disposal.
Doing a background check on the person you hire to run your office, rent out your empty apartment, rewire your home, or take care of your children will help you make the most appropriate choice while taking a legal, ethical, and proactive step to keep you and your family safe.
For the most part, the danger is manageable.
Most people avoid becoming the victims of violent crime through a combination of street smarts, awareness, intelligence, or simply the good luck to be at the right place at the right time.
However, as our society becomes more advanced, so do the dangers that increased technology presents.
Crimes such as identity theft, embezzlement, rapes and kidnappings, fraud, and child pornography are on the rise with criminals using technology to aid in targeting victims and executing both violent and non-violent crimes against others.
Part of the reason it's becoming more difficult to steer clear of dangerous individuals is that it's harder to pinpoint a criminal, whether it's the receptionist in your office, the new tenant in your apartment building, or the president of your child's PTA.
Along with advances in technology, however, has come a greater demand for access to information.
As the times change, people now have the technology to learn more about the strangers they encounter, and have the ability to run a thorough background check on prospective employees, renters, contractors, or child care workers.
In the past, it was common for people to become victims of crime at the hands of those willingly let inside that person's home, business, or personal life.
Even today, statistics show that 7 of every 10 crimes are committed by someone the victim is acquainted with; a friend, family member, co-worker, employee, tenant, or even a significant other.
Knowing that, it becomes more important to stay on your guard not only around strangers, but when it comes to those you encounter on a daily basis.
The information provided by background checks can often be a first step in helping you sleep better at night, knowing that the people you allow into your life are who they claim to be, and don't have an inappropriate criminal history.
Armed with basics such as a criminal and credit history, it becomes easier to make choices between applicants, relying not only on your intuition, but having some facts at your disposal.
Doing a background check on the person you hire to run your office, rent out your empty apartment, rewire your home, or take care of your children will help you make the most appropriate choice while taking a legal, ethical, and proactive step to keep you and your family safe.