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Give people a reason to have on to your card, Include something unique on the back of it-a calendar, a list of your services, important measurements, or anything and everything relevant to your industry. You ought to too print a coupon on it, and ask them to provide the card with their order, so yet again properties have a rationale to stay your card. For a good amount innovations of what to include, please see "Power Words for Business Cards".As a boom owner or manager, have business cards printed for all staff members, right ebbed to the least ranking person., The novelty of the cards for those who largely do not have them will entice employees to hand them out. At the same time, you will make them feel appreciated. Your workers are half of your network, so use this networks to generate business for your company.
The business card is actually functioning as a miniature billboard. There's no personal contact involved and the reader may have little (if any) knowledge of the featured business. Such a card needs to be colorful, easy to read, and very clear about the primary service and benefit of the business.On the other hand, if you're designing business cards that will primarily be given to existing customers or to colleagues, you don't need to waste precious space telling them whatyou do. They already know. Instead, they're probably more interested in expanded contact information (maybe after-hours customer support), additional store locations or complementary products.So - photos, logos and graphics need to be chosen according to the response you want from the typical person who'll receive your card. Does the photo, logo or graphic you have in mind help or hinder the purpose of your card? Will it be worth the space that it consumes on the card.
You've had one thousand of the finest, several eye-catching Business cards printed. Now, what do you do through them? Networking amid business cards is one of the most cost effective signals of marketing your business-and yourself.Don't leave them sitting in the box, they do you no good there. Get them into the hands of your prospects! If you think of your business card as a mini-billboard for your company, you will realize that you wish people to see it in order for it to be effective. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Keep them in your pocket, purse, briefcase, and wallet, on your desk, and at the reception area of your office.Leave some in your car. Always experience them on hand so you can introduce yourself to new folks when the time is right.
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Photos ("head shots") are typically included on business cards in "relationship" businesses such as real estate, counseling and public speaking. They give prospects a non-threatening way to begin getting acquainted with you, which is especially helpful if you're in a business that requires a great deal of trust or confidentiality. Additionally, a business card with your photo on it will help a new contact find you in a meeting. If you often make initial contact with someone on the phone or via email, sending them a card with your photo on it before you meet in person is a thoughtful gesture. A business card with a photo is also helpful if you have a unisex name (such as "Pat" or "Chris") or a name that would be completely unfamiliar to the recipient.
Always keep them fresh and flat. If they look worn or dirty, pitch 'em. You should be able to quick draw your card faster than Gunsmoke's Matt Dillon. If somebody gives you their business card, you should give them yours in return, face up.Think of your card as a print ad for you. Leave it everywhere. More ad exposure leads to more business. If you designed your card well, your home address is not on it so you can leave it anywhere without fear a burglar will come visiting.Many stores, banks and restaurants have bulletin boards. Keep a few push pins in your car.Always drop your card in the fishbowls offering a prize.Enclose a card with every check you send to pay bills.Leave one on the table with your tip (as long as the tip is not embarrassing).
It may mean printing labels describing your current promotion, sticking them to the back of your cards, and pinning them to bulletin boards. Whatever! The point is that if you consciously figure out a way to use your business cards to bring in business, you're much less likely to forget them.Invest in new cards.If you haven't ordered business cards within the past two years, there's a good chance that the information or photo is out of date by now. And if your last order was for 1000 cards and there are still 990 cards left, ask yourself why you haven't been passing them out. If it's because you dislike the cards, pitch them and get business cards you're proud of!Draft and practice a business card presentation.Unless you're comfortable and confident when handing out your card, you won't do it. Besides, the words and actions that accompany your business card when you give it to someone can really cement a positive first impression.
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