Safer Produce to Reduce Your Risk of Food Borne Illness
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 1 in 6 Americans gets sick from food each year. Produce is the leading cause of food poisoning in the US (although more deaths are attributed to poultry) accounting for nearly half of all food illnesses each year. The biggest risk are leafy greens and melons - the rough skin traps bacteria and gets carried to the flesh with the first swipe of a knife.
So here’s how to keep the risk of food poisoning from fruits and vegetables as low as possible for you and your family .
1. Rinse Your Produce
Rinse in cold running water even if you don’t intend to eat the skin and even if it’s “pre-washed.” Additionally, use a brush on rough skinned produce such as melons. This includes produce that’s organic, grown at home, or purchased from a farmer's market. “Pre-washed” is considered safe to eat without further washing but I say why take a chance. Drying produce with a clean cloth or paper towel further reduces the possible presence of bacteria. Do not use soap or detergent to wash fruits and vegetables - it is simply not recommended because unhealthy residue from soap and detergent will remain on your produce. Even if you plan to peel the produce before eating, it is still important to wash it first so dirt and bacteria aren’t transferred from the knife onto the fruit or vegetable. Our Food and Drug Administration has a free poster, Wash Fruits and Vegetables which you can print and display to remember to wash your fruits and vegetables before eating.
Lightly spray berries with vinegar to prolong their freshness.
2. Don’t Buy Pre-Cut Produce
The CDC estimates that even though less than 1% of bagged vegetables are contaminated, that’s still a lot when u consider “billions of bags sold”! If you must buy pre-cut produce such as leafy greens or a ½ watermelon be sure it’s refrigerated or surrounded by ice.
3. Grow Your Own Sprouts
Contaminated sprouts are nearly impossible to wash off.
4. Look for Produce Free From Blemishes.
Broken skin and bruises produce a perfect place for bacteria to grow. Cut away blemishes as you notice them on produce in your refrigerator for longer shelf life of your produce. Keep your refrigerator set at 40° F or below. Use a fridge thermometer to check!
5. Wash Your Hands
Always do this before washing your produce.
6. Clean surfaces
Do this after cutting your produce just as you would for meats.
7. Don’t Place Produce in the Same Bag as Meat
That goes for poultry or seafood as well, to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
8. Wash Your Reusable Grocery Bag
Do this every so often to remove contaminants.
9. For the Elderly, Infants, and Those with Weak Immune Systems
Be sure to cook leafy greens and sprouts to a temp of at least 165 degrees. The greatest instances of death from salmonella happen among the elderly.
10. Clean Your Refrigerator
A clean refrigerator creates less opportunity for bacteria to grow and thus less chance for your food to become contaminated.
About the Author
Bob is author of Juice & Smoothie Recipes That Heal! with over 275 recipes based on the latest nutritional discoveries. He and his wife live in Northeast Harbor, ME and juice every day with special recipes to help keep her breast cancer in remission.