"MapleStory" Quest Guide for Tristan's Tomb
- To begin the quest, you need to first find Tristan's Tomb. First, travel to Sleepywood. Sleepywood is accessed through portals in Henesys or Kerning. Walk to the far right of Sleepywood until you reach the swamps. Travel through the swamps until you reach Drake Cave. Continue right through Drake Cave until the road forks. Take the lower fork into Balrog Temple. Take the long stairway down until you see the Balrog Party Quest character. Walk left past him to find Tristan's Tomb.
- Click on Tristan to activate his quest. He tells you that an aura of evil is spreading throughout the underground dungeon. He implores you to stop Balrog from reviving until the monster finally gives up. If you accept his quest, he tells you that you need to defeat Balrog 200 times to stop him completely. If you complete Tristan's quest, he will name you as his successor and you will be known as a "true warrior of MapleStory."
- Return to the Balrog Party Quest NPC in the previous room. Join or create a party to fight Balrog. Click on the NPC to finalize and enter the Party Quest. Balrog is a Level 105 monster with 9,980,000 hit points. He inflicts Lightning Strike and Bone Crusher, both only affecting the bottom level of the tomb. Dispel and Rock Drop affects all areas of his tomb. Continue attacking and healing until his hit points are completely diminished. Repeat 199 times.
- Once you manage to defeat the Balrog 200 times, return to Tristan's Spirit. He will congratulate you for your efforts and name you his successor. You receive 6,800 experience points and the Tristan's Successor Medal. The medal gives a +2 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Luck. Like most medals, it cannot be sold or traded.
Finding Tristan's Tomb
Talk to Tristan