How to Avoid Being Taken Advantage of After a Breakup
Here's some help for you on how to avoid this.
The main situation I'd like to call attention to is when you and your ex continue to remain somewhat close after the breakup happens.
Usually, you end up doing this because (as is natural) you want to patch things up and you think that remaining close to him will help you to achieve that goal.
this isn't always what ends up happening.
In fact, it rarely is.
Remaining in your ex's life after he's made the choice to give you up helps nothing when it comes to trying to convince him to take you back.
What you're effectively doing by remaining "just friends" is giving him all the benefits of a relationship with you, without any of the commitment you deserve.
He basically gets to enjoy your company at the same time as any other woman he chooses.
How is that fair to you, and how does it make him want to go back to being a one-woman guy? Some girls are actually naive enough to continue sleeping with their exes, hoping that it will convince him to return to them.
I'm not trying to insult you if you've made that mistake, but I'm sorry to say that you're only hurting yourself by doing so.
There are very few men in the world who'd be willing to give up the ability to have a commitment-free sexual relationship that allows him to pursue anyone else he wanted...
and anyone who'd ask such a thing of you means you no favors.
Stand up for yourself, and force him to have to realize the consequences of his decision to leave you.
He doesn't get to "have his cake and eat it too," and you deserve more than to just cling to him while he completely disrespects you.
Sometimes, all he'll need to realize that it was a mistake to leave you is having to be truly without you for a while...
and even if not, being able to have some self-respect will help you immensely in getting him back.