The Best Babyshower Games to Play at Babyshowers
- When guests enter they will be a bank or jar on a table. Ask them to write a note to the baby, then fold the note and place it in the jar along with a coin. During the shower have guests guess how much money is in the bank or jar. The guest that comes closest to the amount will receive a prize, and the mother-to-be gets the baby bank with the wishes and coins for the baby.
- Each guest is given a marker, pencil or crayons and some paper. They then have to close their eyes and draw a baby without lifting their drawing utensil. The mom-to-be will serve as judge; the guest with the best drawing will be given a prize.
- Before the baby shower purchase 10 to 20 jars of different baby foods and remove all the labels. Mark each jar with a number; make a list of what food corresponds with each number. During the shower, set up a table with all the jars and give guests paper and pen. They will then go around the table smelling and tasting the food to guess what each is. The guest with the most correct answers wins a prize.
- Prior to the baby shower ask each guest to send a baby picture of herself to the host's home. On a cork board, make a collage of all the baby pictures with a number placed next to the picture. Give guests a pencil and paper so they can guess what person is in each baby picture. The person who guesses the most people correctly wins a prize.
- Before guests enter, fill a diaper with food such as bananas and peanut butter and place it under a seat or couch cushion where guests will be seated. During the shower, have a guests look for the dirty diaper, and the one who was sitting on the diaper wins a prize.
Baby Wishes
Draw the Baby
Guess the Baby Food
Guess the Baby Picture
Dirty Diaper