How to Mix Backups
- 1). Open the software and create a new file by clicking "File" from the top menu then "New." Add up to five new tracks by selecting "File" from the top menu then "Add New Track."
- 2). Import the backup track by selecting "File" from the top menu then "Import." Wait for the backups to import then right-click to copy the track. Paste the copied track on "Track 2" then click the "Track Properties" window to expand the window. Scroll up to "Track 1" and expand the "Track Properties".
- 3). Pull up the on-board mixer and click to highlight "Track 1." Find the "Pan" knob and turn it all the way to the left. This will cause the track to only play on the left speaker.
- 4). Skip down to "Track 2" and highlight it then turn the "pan" knob all the way to the right, this will cause the track to only play on the right speaker. Click to highlight "Track 1", then select "Effects" from the top menu. Select the "Compression" effect, and wait for the effect to load.
- 5). Click to highlight "Track 1" then hold the "Shift" key and click "Track 2." Select "Effects" from the top menu then click "Echo." Set the parameters according to your preference then click "OK".
- 6). Press the "Play" button to preview the song then save the song to your computer by selecting "File" from the top menu then "Save."