Treating Fibroids - Juicing to Longevity
Coping with fibroids and changing the way you eat isn't going to be an easy journey - having to change the way you eat - eliminating certain foods from your diet and transforming your eating habits completely will take time.
If need be, take your time, do the transformation from bad foods to good foods slowly if you have to - because I don't want you to miss this opportunity and continue eating your normal foods.
Try and make the change if you can because if you don't make a stand to change the way you eat, your fibroids may get worse and in the long run you may have to undergo the hysterectomy operation - so lets work together.
Remember to tell yourself that you want your fibroids to shrink and as long as you have the willpower and the determination to stick to your decision, it can work for you.
As I mentioned above its not going to be easy for all of us - its going to be tough going but get yourself into the situation and focus on where you are going and everything will work out well for you.
As well as changing the way you eat, we have to also think about what you drink.
Are you a fizzy drink lover? Do you love that great cup of tea or coffee, both of which are full of caffeine? Whats about milk - do you drink a lot of cows milk? Do you drink a lot of sugared or diluted drinks? I bet its because they all taste good or quench your thirst or even better still, milk gives you all the calcium that you need - NO!!! The above drinks are target/reasons for so many illnesses and of course the manufacturers are not going to tell you are they? No they are not, its because they want to make a massive profit and they are not interested in your welfare or health only their pockets.
So its down to you to look after yourself and you can do this by taking note of what you are eating and the ingredients that each drink or product contains.
Juicing is a fantastic way to incorporate your body with fantastic properties in terms of vitamins, minerals and proteins to name but a few.
There are different juices that you can consume and each one has a vast amount of enzymes which your body craves for and enzymes can only be found in raw foods or lightly cooked foods.
Juicing all your vegetables in a juicer and drinking on a daily basis adds so much goodness to your internal body system and it strengthens and cleanses your body, rejuvenates other parts of your body that certain foods have not reached yet! Juicing also improves your eyesight, finds that missing energy which you thought had vanished years ago, improves your skin and strengthens your nails, improves the brain (yes it sure does!) and above all cleanses and repairs your internal organs and makes you into a healthier and much stronger you! You will certainly live longer because what you are incorporating into your body system, will encourage your body to live longer as the treatment it is receiving is the treatment it deserves.
It no longer is being treated harshly with certain foods which it finds difficult to digest.
It no longer has to store indigestible foods in the intestines which after years of gunging up in the intestines, turns to toxins and poisons the body thus causing so many illnesses.
Juicing is your way of revitalizing the body, giving the body back plenty of goodness and vitality and giving the body organs the opportunity to remain healthier and stronger for a longer period of time.
If need be, take your time, do the transformation from bad foods to good foods slowly if you have to - because I don't want you to miss this opportunity and continue eating your normal foods.
Try and make the change if you can because if you don't make a stand to change the way you eat, your fibroids may get worse and in the long run you may have to undergo the hysterectomy operation - so lets work together.
Remember to tell yourself that you want your fibroids to shrink and as long as you have the willpower and the determination to stick to your decision, it can work for you.
As I mentioned above its not going to be easy for all of us - its going to be tough going but get yourself into the situation and focus on where you are going and everything will work out well for you.
As well as changing the way you eat, we have to also think about what you drink.
Are you a fizzy drink lover? Do you love that great cup of tea or coffee, both of which are full of caffeine? Whats about milk - do you drink a lot of cows milk? Do you drink a lot of sugared or diluted drinks? I bet its because they all taste good or quench your thirst or even better still, milk gives you all the calcium that you need - NO!!! The above drinks are target/reasons for so many illnesses and of course the manufacturers are not going to tell you are they? No they are not, its because they want to make a massive profit and they are not interested in your welfare or health only their pockets.
So its down to you to look after yourself and you can do this by taking note of what you are eating and the ingredients that each drink or product contains.
Juicing is a fantastic way to incorporate your body with fantastic properties in terms of vitamins, minerals and proteins to name but a few.
There are different juices that you can consume and each one has a vast amount of enzymes which your body craves for and enzymes can only be found in raw foods or lightly cooked foods.
Juicing all your vegetables in a juicer and drinking on a daily basis adds so much goodness to your internal body system and it strengthens and cleanses your body, rejuvenates other parts of your body that certain foods have not reached yet! Juicing also improves your eyesight, finds that missing energy which you thought had vanished years ago, improves your skin and strengthens your nails, improves the brain (yes it sure does!) and above all cleanses and repairs your internal organs and makes you into a healthier and much stronger you! You will certainly live longer because what you are incorporating into your body system, will encourage your body to live longer as the treatment it is receiving is the treatment it deserves.
It no longer is being treated harshly with certain foods which it finds difficult to digest.
It no longer has to store indigestible foods in the intestines which after years of gunging up in the intestines, turns to toxins and poisons the body thus causing so many illnesses.
Juicing is your way of revitalizing the body, giving the body back plenty of goodness and vitality and giving the body organs the opportunity to remain healthier and stronger for a longer period of time.